Project Descriptions
Financial Info
Key Dates
How To Apply

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Faculty and Student Teams Program

questioning Project Descriptions

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Center for Environmental Biotechnology (CEB)

Requesting applications from science or engineering faculty members at institutions serving students underrepresented in science, engineering, mathematics and technology. To work on Systems Biology approaches to studies of biogeochemistry in subsurface environments.

Project Description

The goal of this project is to develop use a systems biology approach to study stress responses in subsurface bacteria using a variety of culture techniques (including large scale biomass production from automated extremophile reactors), ecogenomics, proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and phenomics.  Linking stress to the biogeochemistry could provide fundamental insights into biosustainability of deep subsurface environments, bioremediation, natural attenuation, and bioenergy production.

Applicants Responsibilities and Relationship to Project

Applicants and their students will receive support under the Department of Energy Faculty and Student Team (FaST) program to work collaboratively with a research group at Berkeley Lab for 10 weeks during the summer.  Faculty and students team members will be assigned to the same research group and typically faculty participants will provide mentorship and/or advising support to the undergraduate student team members while at the Lab.  Applicants are encouraged to contact Berkeley Lab investigators offering FaST opportunities during the application process.  Following the summer appointment, it is anticipated that the faculty participants will establish a ongoing collaborative relationship with Berkeley Lab investigators and assist in recruiting undergraduate students from their campus for DOE internship programs.

Qualifications of Ideal Candidate

Faculty: Ph.D. in microbiology, environmental engineering, chemical engineering, biology or related fields. Proven experimental development and field study abilities. Established record of publication in field. Works well in a collaborative environment with students and other researchers. Currently teaches and collaborates with students in his/her field. Willing to work at LBNL for an extended period (2-3 summer months, or longer).
Student: Working towards a BS in microbiology, biology, or engineering with strong interests in experimental and field research. Works well in collaboration with faculty, other students, and researchers. Willing to work at LBNL for an extended period.

Support and Financial Commitments

See Financial Information.

For More Information Contact:

Laurel Egenberger
College & University Programs
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
E-mail: LLEgenberger@lbl.gov
Phone: 510-486-5190

Terry Hazen
Ecology Department
Earth Sciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
E-mail: TCHazen@lbl.gov
Phone: 510-486-6223
