Project Descriptions
Financial Info
Key Dates
How To Apply

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Faculty and Student Teams Program

questioning Project Descriptions

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Accelerator Division
High Intensity Neutrino Source (HINS) R&D Program 

Requesting applications from science or engineering faculty members at institutions serving students underrepresented in science, engineering, mathematics and technology, to work on instrumentation or neutrino source R&D. Fermilab can ONLY host teams with NSF support.

Project Description

The Fermilab High Intensity Neutrino Source (HINS) R&D program can offer the opportunity for a FaST team to participate in research activities associated with the integration of accelerator components and controls to construct a first-of-a-kind superconducting 30 MeV linear accelerator.

Specific tasks will depend on the HINS program status at the time of team arrival. Tasks may include participation in RF cavity power testing, fabrication and testing of RF and electronic hardware components, analysis of hardware systems measurements or beam measurements, development of operators screens in the Controls System environment and Web page development. This opportunity is suitable for one FaST Team consisting of a faculty member and two students. Students are required to have completed the academic course equivalent of a freshman physics for majors and to have had introductory programming or Web page development course.

Project Qualifications

This opportunity is suitable for one FaST Team consisting of a faculty member and two students. Students are required to have completed equivalent of freshman physics for majors and to have had introductory programming or Web page development course.

Applicants Responsibilities and Relationship to Project

Applicants will receive support under the Department of Energy Faculty and Student Team (FaST) Research Program to work collaboratively with the project research team at the Laboratory. The team will work at Fermilab for up to 10 weeks during the year starting during the summer. At the conclusion of the summer, students will prepare a paper (similar to that listed in references) that describes their project accomplishments. Using the paper as a basis, the students will give a talk to project team members and laboratory staff.

Faculty will be expected to identify students from their campus to participate in FaST program offered by the Department of Energy at Fermilab. Faculty will mentor, advise, and work together with students as they pursue the project tasks. It is expected that the faculty member will become an integral part of the research team and work hands-on with the students and with laboratory staff members on this project. The faculty member and laboratory staff will attend the student talk with the goal of having the students experience a typical project progress review presentation.

Qualifications of an Ideal Candidate

Faculty: Works well in a collaborative environment with students and other researchers. Currently teaches and collaborates with students in his/her field. Willing to work at Fermilab for an extended period during the summer.

Student: Working toward a BS degree in physics, electrical engineering or computer science. Works well in collaboration with faculty, other students, and researchers. Willing to work at Fermilab for an extended period during the summer.

Support and Financial Commitments

See Financial Information.

Supervisor: Bob Webber or designee