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Using Assessments

Assessments in Adult Education Programs

Although the specifics vary from program to program, most of us are familiar with the general procedures for enrolling adult learners: we describe the kinds of classes our programs offer, we find out about a learner's goals, we collect demographic information, and we place the learner in an appropriate class or tutoring match.

And no matter when it might occur (during the intake itself or once the learner has been in the program for several days), at some point, that learner will take a test, probably a standardized test of silent reading comprehension.

What Kinds of Tests Are Used?

Among the most common tests used in adult education programs are the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE), the Adult Basic Learning Examination (ABLE), and the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS).

The table below shows the results of an informal survey we conducted at the beginning of 2001. We asked state directors of adult education across the country to let us know what kinds of tests were being used in their programs.

44 states responded to the survey. We list the most common tests they named in the table below.

Name of Test Number of States In Which It is Used
Adult Basic Learning Examination (ABLE) 12
Adult Measure of Essential Skills (AMES) 10
Comprehensive Student Assessment System (CASAS) 21
Slosson Oral Reading Test (SORT) 7
Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) 35
Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) 5
Woodcock-Johnson Assessments 6

Some Test Concepts

Standardized tests are those that are administered and scored according to set procedures. There is often a script for examiners to follow when administering the test. Tests are called "standardized" because there are definite standards for their administration. This minimizes the effect that differences among examiners may have on the learner's test performance.
  • Types of Standardized TestsRR

    • Norm-Referenced Tests
      Developers of norm-referenced tests administer their assessment to a large number of people (the reference or norming group) in order to assess the test's reliability and to find the range of performance on a particular ability. Averages of the reference group's scores give a base to which examiners can compare results of their examinees. If a learner scores below the average for the norming group, then she/he is said to be below average in the ability being tested; if the learner scores above the average for the reference group, he/she has greater than average skill on the ability being tested. With a norm-referenced test, a learner's ability is compared to others. The Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) and the Adult Basic Learning Examination (ABLE) are examples of widely used norm-referenced tests.

    • Criterion-Referenced Tests
      Developers of criterion-referenced tests set absolute levels of performance (criteria) of a body of knowledge or particular ability to indicate a learner's progress. Learners' are not compared to any norming group; a single grade equivalent or percentage correct needed to indicate mastery is established for all. The curriculum follows the requirements of the test.

    • Competency-Based Education and Testing
      In competency-based education, the curriculum is set out as series of competencies (criteria) needed to accomplish a particular educational objective. A learner's progress on a competency is assessed with a criterion-referenced test. For example, word attack instruction may be organized into units composed of specific letter and syllable combinations to be mastered. Tests are administered to assess a learner's competency of the material taught. The Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS) is an example of a competency-based curriculum in which many separate skills of reading progress (for example) are identified and taught and a learner's skill level evaluated.

    • Curriculum-Based Assessments
      A curriculum-based assessment tests what is taught in a particular curriculum. In criterion-referenced tests, curriculum is developed to "teach to the test"; in curriculum-based assessment, the curriculum comes first and assessments, often teacher constructed, test whether students have learned the material.

Alternative Assessments

Interviews that give information about a learner's literacy activities at home or work, self evaluations of ability, and teacher reports all give information about a learner's progress. (Click here if you would like to go to the "Using a Learner Questionnaire" page on this site for more information.)

Portfolio development and evaluation is another common assessment tool. Learner's work is collected and periodically assessed by the learner, class members, and instructors. Informal assessments are made continuously as students participate in class; listening to a learner read tells a lot about progress in word identification, rate, and fluency.

Ongoing Assessments of Instruction
Teachers assess continuously through class responses of learners and informal tests. Not only is it necessary to find out what needs to be taught, it is equally important to make certain it has been learned well enough. Teachers often make the mistake of being satisfied that learners have absorbed some instruction after testing only shortly after instruction has been given. Assessment of skills that have been taught need to be continuous and spiraled, returning to previous lessons to make sure learners have integrated old learning into new.

For example, silent e has been taught in one-syllable words and now learners are able to read a list of those words. Can they apply the understanding to those words in text? When you teach compound words, do they recognize silent e words? It is often necessary to refresh a formerly-learned concept until it is thoroughly mastered - and the need to circle back can be indicated with ongoing assessments of the concepts and skills that have been presented.

 Please visit the Test Bank next to get more information about some tests you can use in your program.


ABLE = Adult Basic Learning Examination

AMES = Adult Measure of Essential Skills

CASAS = Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System

SORT = Slosson Oral Reading Test

TABE = Test of Adult Basic Education

WRAT = Wide Range Achievement Test

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Last updated: Monday, 06-Aug-2007 10:31:31 EDT