US Department of Energy Office of Science    


All science agencies do similar things on a management level and the Office of Planning & Analysis wants to be the best.  

By FY 2005 the Office of Planning & Analysis plans to be a Federal leader in assessing the excellence, relevance, and international leadership of basic research, and develop and communicate strategic and performance plans that support SC's basic research portfolio. 

The main goals for the Office of Planning & Analysis are as follows: 

·                     To provide information on programs within the purview of the Office of Science to the Director, and maintain the preparedness of the Director to advise the Secretary of Energy on matters regarding linkages of programs or gaps in program needs, and in matters concerning the basic and applied research activities of the Department.

·                     To maintain a current awareness of issues facing the basic and applied R&D programs of the Department to assist the Director in providing recommendations on basic research, technology development, and planning strategies.

·                     To perform independent cost/benefit analyses and provides the Director with impartial and independent scientific and technical evaluations and recommendations on the basic research policies of the Department.

·                      To facilitate and prepare strategic plans for research programs within the Office of Science and integrate research and technology, and plans and strategies of technology programs.

·                     To perform analyses on the quality of selected research and technology programs. Support the Director in preparing and presenting the Department's research programs to the public and other governmental organizations, reviewing international science and technology R&D agreements, and advising on external institutional relations.

Along with the main goals, the Office of Planning & Analysis also:

·                 Focus on appropriate tools and services by:

§                     Demonstrating SC scientific excellence, relevance, and leadership through use of case studies, performance measures and other tools

§                     Identifying and promoting 'Best-in -Class' management practices

§                     Utilizing SC advisory committee sub-panels and other external advice on SC crosscutting management issues

§                     Collaborating with other Federal science agencies to validate the societal impact of science

§                     Advocating and communicating SC's achievements in S&T and the benefits to society stemming from SC's research portfolio through its communications strategy

§                     Conducting original research that underpins program efforts

·                 Recognize institutional strengths by:

§                     Developing capabilities for reasoned and quick responses to challenges and opportunities

§                     Promoting premier science management advice tools, and communication

§                     Ensuring relevance to national needs and SC's position at the forefront of science.

§                     Establishing effective mechanisms for collaboration and priority setting with other Federal science agencies and SC research performers