Recovery Community Services Program
RCSP Banner.  People in recovery from addiction and their families, allies, and supporters...making their communities healthier.
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RCSP Projects

The RCSP service models are intended to:

  1. Help prevent relapse
  2. Promote timely re-entry into treatment if relapse occurs
  3. Promote sustained recovery and an enhanced quality of life for participants.

Currently 23 RCSP grant projects are at various stages in the design and implementation of peer service programs. Their service models run the gamut of social support modalities, including:

  1. Peer mentoring and coaching
  2. Peer recovery support groups and peer-directed adult learning activities
  3. Concrete assistance with the challenges of early recovery such as housing, employment, and parenting
  4. building community and social networks that are alcohol- and drug-free opportunities to share community and celebrate recovery.

Many projects target their services to populations with specific needs. These groups include:

  1. Women
  2. Individuals who identify themselves in reference to culture or ethnicity (including recent immigrants)
  3. People with co-occurring disorders
  4. Individuals re-entering the community from a correctional environment
  5. Those for whom trauma (and often homelessness) are part of the addiction history
  6. Others.

Some RCSP projects also provide peer services to families.

Peer services have been received enthusiastically by people in and seeking recovery and their families. A body of knowledge is emerging in the form of lessons learned and concrete "how-to" guidance on how to design and build effective peer recovery support services.


 Last Updated 03/18/2008

SAMHSA is An Agency of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

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