Women Expanding /
Literacy Education Action Resource Network


Mission & Vision


Annual Conference

Women's Perspectives

Women Leading
Through Reading

Work Groups / Committees

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c/o Mev Miller
182 Riverside Ave.
Cranston, RI 02910



WE LEARN Annual (Net)Working on Women & Literacy
and Annual Membership Meeting

New York, NY
Boston, MA
New Haven, CT
Providence, RI
Boston, MA

6th Annual WE LEARN (Net)Working
Gathering & Conference on Women and Literacy

handsStronger Leadership & Literacy:
Empowering Women to Action

Liderazgo y Educación Más Fuertes:
Dándole poder a las Mujeres para que tomen Acción!

March 6-7, 2009

University of Rhode Island, Feinstein Providence Campus
80 Washington Street, Shepard Building
Providence, RI

Cosponsored by: Univ. of RI Graduate Programs in Adult Education &

ADVERTISE / SPONSOR / EXHIBITOR: Download Packet of Information (pdf)

Registration Information | Schedule Overview

Travel Details & Directions to Campus

Conference Keynote Speaker

donna jonesDonna Jones, Adult Learner from California, has been an advocate for Adult Literacy at the local, state and national levels. She writes the Student Column for the WE LEARN newsletter. Her tutor has taken her from crayons to computers. Donna's Program Director has taken her from the back of the room to the front of the room to speak out for and to other Adult Learners -- so they, too, will step up, speak out and become leaders. Donna believes Adult Literacy should be available for all adults. Come hear her words and be inspired to become a leader and take action now.

leadership info

2009 Registration Rates

Conference Fees include:
ALL conference events
: breakfast, lunch, & snacks on Friday and Saturday • Friday evening reception


WE LEARN strives to offer a quality and equitable event for all participants at the most affordable price we can offer. These are “break-even” rates and don’t quite subsidize ABE student participants.
Your additional donation to the Student Scholarship Fund will be greatly appreciated.

Member Rate

 Two-day $100.00      |     One-day $60.00 

Non-Member Rate

 Two-day $150.00   |    One-day $90.00

Confirmed Presenter Rate

Member       2-day $80.00  |   1-day $48.00

Non-Member   2-day $120.00  |   1-day $72.00

College / Grad Student Rate

 Two-Day $75.00   |    One-Day $50.00

ABE (only) Student Rate

 Two-Day $25.00    |   One-Day $15.00 

On-site per day

$75.00 members | $125.00 non-members |
$20.00 ABE Students

EARLY Registration Deadline: January 31, 2009
EARLY registration postmarked by January 31 receives 10% discount!

Pre-Registration Deadline: February 21, 2009
On-site registration also available

Registration Forms:
(in WORD or in PDF)
Member Organizations (in WORD or in PDF)

We have a limited number of
ABE student scholarships & work exchange options
for the conference.

  • For ABE students only we can help with registration fees and some travel expenses. Individual students may apply directly or programs may register students in groups.
  • For Americorp/VISTA volunteers, ABE, college or graduate students, & part-time teachers, we have a limited number of work exchange opportunities available. This will help offset registration fees ONLY.


Deadline: January 23, 2009. Download Application Form (Word doc) 
Contact Mev Miller -- 401-383-4374 or welearn@litwomen.org


This site is wheelchair accessible.
We will make our best effort to provide reasonable accommodations.
Please let us know if you need:
button Language translation
(We will have Spanish translators but will arrange for ASL and other languages if needed)
button Large Print materials
button Assistive technology
button Other (be specific)
button Meals include whole grain and vegetarian options. Let us know if you have other specific needs

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For more information contact:
Contact Mev Miller, Director
welearn@litwomen.org or 401-383-4374

Copyright © 2002 - 2006 -- Mev Miller / WE LEARN