National Institute for Literacy

[FamilyLiteracy] Fwd: [ProfessionalDevelopment] New Issue: Focus on Basics

Gail Price gprice at
Thu Dec 15 08:47:45 EST 2005

Begin forwarded message:



> The following announcement is posted on behalf of Barb Garner,

> Editor of Focus

> on Basics.

> +++++++++++++++++++


> The newest issue of "Focus on Basics" is now on NCSALL's web site,

> It's on ESOL and features research from


> Lab School.


> Steve Reder, director of the ESOL Lab School, a partnership of

> Portland State

> University and Portland Community College, describes the research

> and how it

> is conducted. Kathryn Harris reports on one aspect of her study of

> pair work

> in the ESOL classroom. Learners she studied individualized their

> pair work,

> adapting the activities to their language learning needs. Pair

> activities are

> provided by Donna Moss of Arlington, VA.


> Sustained silent reading has been found to encourage many students

> to read:

> does it do the same with beginning-level ESOL learners? It is a viable

> practice with this group, explain Sandra Banke and Reuel Kurzet, who

> participated in this Lab School study. To improve their students’

> speaking and

> listening skills, teachers often set up conversation groups. What

> if the

> conversation leaders were university students who studied

> immigration and

> cultural adaptation as well as strategies for initiating and keeping

> conversations going? Betsy Kraft chronicles her classes’

> experiences leading

> conversations with Lab School students.


> Anyone who has taught an ESOL class with students from a variety of

> language

> backgrounds has noticed the chatter that goes on, in English,

> during breaks.

> Dominique Brillanceau was curious about whether this casual

> conversation

> occurs in class as well, and, if it does, what role it plays in

> learning.

> Starting conversations can be hard for anyone; it’s even harder in

> a new

> language. John Hellermann explored the nuance of initiating and

> turn-taking in

> conversations in Lab School classes. Some ESOL learners get stuck, and

> teachers struggle to find out why. Robin Schwarz, now of Ohio,

> shares case

> studies from her years of work with ESOL learners and teachers and

> provides

> tips on how to find out what might be the problem.


> And the development of NCSALL's Health Literacy Study Circle+ guide is

> chronicles by Winston Lawrence, NY, and Lisa Soricone, NCSALL.


> Happy Reading!

> Barb Garner

> Editor


> ----------------------------------------------------

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Gail J. Price
Multimedia Specialist
National Center for Family Literacy
325 West Main Street, Suite 300
Louisville, KY 40205

Phone: 502 584-1133, ext. 112
Fax: 502 584-0172

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