National Institute for Literacy

[FamilyLiteracy] family literacy study--seeking your help!

DonMcCabe at DonMcCabe at
Thu Dec 8 09:57:49 EST 2005

In a message dated 12/5/2005 8:54:22 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
degeneso at writes: "...I am a doctoral student at Harvard University
Graduate School of Education, and I am working on a dissertation on family
literacy. (My adviser is John Comings, the director of the National Center for the
Study of Adult Learning and Literacy.) For my dissertation, I am looking at
instructional practices in urban family literacy programs across the country in
order to get a better idea of what kind of instruction is taking place and
how this instruction is similar and different in different cities as well as
in different types of programs..."

There is one type that will NOT be found in any of the cities you study is
including and that is: "Starting a Tutoring Course for Family Members in Your
Local Adult Community Education Program" one that is specifically designed to
help parents learn how to tutor their child when the child first begins to
experience difficulties in learning to read and spell. For more information
on how this could be done (but isn't being done) visit
_ (

Don McCabe

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