National Institute for Literacy

[FamilyLiteracy] Re: [NIFL-FAMILY:2186] Need for research participants

John Nissen jn at
Wed Nov 2 13:07:07 EST 2005

Hello Izabella,

Wouldn't one of the key factors be the teacher and teaching method?
Wouldn't it also be interesting to hear the teacher's view - why some
students succeeded and others failed?

Cheers from Chiswick,


John Nissen
Cloudworld Ltd -
maker of the assistive reader, WordAloud.
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Izabella Waszkielewicz" <nova.iza at>
To: "Multiple recipients of list" <nifl-family at>
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 10:44 PM
Subject: [NIFL-FAMILY:2186] Need for research participants

> Dear colleagues,


> On behalf of Dr. Alisa Belzer at Rutgers University, I am trying to

> recruit adult literacy students for a research study. We would like

> to learn from adults who made very significant progress in their

> reading development (say from below a 4.0 to GED, or close to it) what

> they think were the key factors (people, events, activities,

> materials, etc), that enabled them to accomplish this. We are hoping

> that by learning directly from learners, we might develop some really

> helpful and unique implications for practice.


> However, to do this, we need to find learners who fit the description.

> This is where we would like some help and input from you. If you or

> anyone you know can put us in touch with learners who moved from being

> very low level readers to ones who read quite well now and were able

> to get over the literacy "hump," it would help us tremendously. We

> are looking for around 10 adults who fit this description. Each will

> be interviewed for about an hour and will receive $50 for their time.

> Please e-mail me if you know of students who would be interested in

> participating, have other suggestions for identifying students who

> would be helpful for this study, or have questions. My email address

> is nova.iza at


> Thanks!

> Izabella Waszkielewicz

> Graduate Assistant



> --

> Izabella I. Waszkielewicz


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