[NIFL-HEALTH:4690] Re: request advice re: HL training

From: Shelley Hourston (wdi@bccpd.bc.ca)
Date: Wed Mar 09 2005 - 15:41:00 EST

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Hi Alison ... I would be very interested in following your work. I work 
with a provincial disability organization in British Columbia -- 
specifically three programs: the AIDS & Disability Action Program, Wellness 
& Disability Initiative and the Health Literacy Network.

One event that I know of:
with a new segment on
April 15, 2005, 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. - Hôtel du Fort
sponsored by:
The Centre for Literacy of Quebec
3040 Sherbrooke Street West, 4B.1-6
Montreal, QC, H3Z 1A4
Tel: (514) 931-8731 ext. 1415
Fax: (514) 931-5181
Email: literacycntr@dawsoncollege.qc.ca
Web: http://www.centreforliteracy.qc.ca

And of course there are the courses and curricula listed at the Harvard 
School of Public Health - Health Literacy Studies:

There are a couple of names I would recommend as resource people -- but I'm 
sure you already know of them:

Seth Kalichman
Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269, USA.
List of his articles available in PubMed

Nora Groce, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,
Division of Global Health
Phone: (203) 785-2866
Fax: (203) 785-6193

Helen Osborne -- books and website -- excellent resources on health literacy

Seth is one of the very few people I know of who is looking at health 
literacy and HIV/AIDS. Nora did a global survey of HIV/AIDS and people with 
disabilities (not specific to health literacy but of course HL is an 
enormous issue for people with disabilities). Please keep in touch and let 
me know things go and if I can help in any way.



Shelley Hourston, B.A., M.L.S.
Wellness & Disability Program/AIDS & Disability Action Program/
Health Literacy Network
BC Coalition of People with Disabilities
204 - 456 W. Broadway
Vancouver, BC Canada V5Y 1R3
tel.: (604) 875-0188 toll free: 1-877-232-7400
fax: (604) 875-9227  TTY: (604) 875-8835
email:  wdi@bccpd.bc.ca
web: http://www.bccpd.bc.ca

At 02:42 PM 09/03/2005 -0500, you wrote:
My name is Alison Colbert and I am a doctoral student in nursing at the
University of Pittsburgh. I am planning on doing my dissertation on
health literacy, specifically a mixed-methods study on health literacy,
self-efficacy, and medication adherence in an HIV population. I was
hoping for input and guidance about my research and course of study.
Pittsburgh has a variety of excellent and helpful resources, but
unfortunately, I will need to look beyond the university to get the
training I need in health literacy. This could come in the form of
independent studies, distance education, mentoring, etc. I have done a
significant amount of research in the area (and have read publications
from several members of this list-serv) and I will be attending the
Health Literacy conference in California in May.

Any advice, suggestions, pearls of wisdom, cautionary tales, etc would
be most appreciated. If you prefer, you can email me privately at
amcolbert@verizon.net. Thank you.

Alison Colbert, MSN, APRN

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