National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1426] Re: retrospective

David Williams dwilliams52 at
Thu Dec 20 21:23:19 EST 2007

My first personal computer was an Apple IIc that I purchased originally for my kids after their mother and I divorced. I bought the Apple for them because, at that time (mid-80's) their was a great deal more k-12 educational software for the Apple computers. I soon had to buy a second Apple IIc to have at my house when they stayed with me. I started exploring various programs that were available for the Apple (some games, some graphic art and some just basic office type software). But I really started "loving" my computer when I took it aboard ship with me and began developing computer generated items for my department. Later I became more of a "PC" kind of person rather than Apple, but I can tell you, I was editing and inserting graphics in home videos with that Apple IIc in 1991 while I wasn't able to do that with a PC until about 2003.

Dave Williams
Assistant Principal
Beaumont Adult School

Mariann Fedele <MariannF at> wrote:
st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) } Hello all,
It’s a good time of the year to take stock and reflect. A recent CNN article (link below) begins, “Like a first love or a first car, a first computer can hold a special place in people's hearts. For millions of kids who grew up in the 1980s, that first computer was the Commodore 64. Twenty-five years later, that first brush with computer addiction is as strong as ever.”

For you, what was that first piece of hardware, software, or internet application that captured your imagination and brought you in to the technophile/techie fold?
When working with your students is there something that is sure to get them hooked and motivated to explore using new technologies?

I was a Commodore 64 owner myself. It was mostly used for playing Pong, but it was fun and was a gateway. How about you?

Mariann Fedele
NYC Regional Adult Education Network
Literacy Assistance Center
NIFL Technology and Literacy Discussion List
32 Broadway 10th Floor
New York, New York 10004
mariannf at

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