National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1418] topics and guests for 2008

Mariann Fedele MariannF at
Thu Dec 20 15:08:24 EST 2007

Hello Tech list colleagues,

2007 has been a good year for the Tech list. Many of us have been on the
list for several years and many have recently joined. Most importantly,
a great number of us are posting messages and sharing our experiences,
resources and professional wisdom on a regular basis. To look back at
the topics we covered, discussion we had and guests who joined us you
can go the Tech list archive at:

To ring in 2008, I hope you can take a moment and provide some feedback
for going forward.

What topics would you like to see covered through planned discussions?
What guests might you recommend for facilitating special discussions?

What other types of activities would you like to see on the list (ex.
Planned book discussion, research updates...)?

What suggestions do you have for actively engaging the subscribers to
the Tech list?

Please send your thoughts and recommendations to either the list as a
whole or to me off-list by January 5th. I will compile them and forward
them on to everyone.

Wishing you a happy holiday season and peace in the New Year,


Mariann Fedele


NYC Regional Adult Education Network

Literacy Assistance Center

NIFL Technology and Literacy Discussion List
32 Broadway 10th Floor
New York, New York 10004
mariannf at

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