National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1384] Re: Send your students a phone message, yourself a reminder, or....

Steve Gwynne sgwynne at
Mon Nov 19 13:54:55 EST 2007

Hi Donna,

Just wanted you to know, I got Screencast back up so the tutorial linked in
Unitedstreaming should work.


From: technology-bounces at on behalf of Lalitha Garapaty
Sent: Sat 11/17/2007 4:53 PM
To: technology at
Subject: [Technology 1383] Send your students a phone message,yourself a
reminder, or....

Some thoughts with reference to adult literacy -

For busy adults working sometimes more than one job
and have little time/energy to work on self-literacy -

Use as a medium of instruction - post, post-classroom
content as a thirty second podcast via phone, for
re-emphasis, recall and to share tips. For ex.
"whenever you see this word, it should remind you of

Among adult literacy instructors -
Sharing instructional tips, a change in instructional
strategy, change of content if it makes better sense
during teaching. This exchange as voice mail or text
message would enable other instructors to test these
immediately in their classes and communicate the same
with others.


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> Today's Topics:


> 1. [Technology 1379] Re: Send your students a

> phone message,

> yourself a reminder, or.... (Kuulei Reeser)






> Message: 1

> Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 12:22:21 -1000

> From: "Kuulei Reeser" <kuulei.reeser at>

> Subject: [Technology 1379] Re: Send your students a

> phone message,

> yourself a reminder, or....

> To: "'The Technology and Literacy Discussion List'"

> <technology at>

> Message-ID: <000001c8289f$288ab830$0600a8c0 at Kuulei1>

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


> Hi David,




> I hope this email is not arriving too late to

> participate in your offer to

> provide the URL for this phone message service.




> With this service, I can envision our teachers using

> this service to remind

> students of homework assignments, tests, fieldtrips,

> etc. I can also

> envision it being used by the students on class

> projects in order to

> collaborate with each other. For example, our high

> school foundations kids

> (pre-GED) recently went on a field trip to our ocean

> center and each was

> assigned a fish species to study. If we had this

> service, each student

> could send a phone message to the other students

> highlighting 5 features of

> their species, then the other students could save

> each message and record

> them in their notes when they got back to class.

> This could all be done at

> the ocean center when the students are scattered

> across the site studying

> their fish.




> Just an idea. I am interested in hearing more about

> this service.




> Thanks,


> Ku'ulei Reeser




> Hui Malama Learning Center


> Technology Coordinator






> _____


> From: David J. Rosen [mailto:djrosen at]

> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 6:24 AM

> To: The Technology and Literacy Discussion List

> Subject: [Technology 1353] Send your students a

> phone message,yourself a

> reminder, or....




> Technology colleagues,




> Suppose there were a free service that enabled you

> -- from a cell phone or a

> land line -- to send up to a 30-second voice message

> to yourself, or to

> anyone you had listed in an address book that you

> had created for this

> purpose. Suppose your students could send messages

> this way, too, from their

> phones. Suppose when you called the toll-free number

> (U.S. and Canada only)

> it said "Hi (your name), who do you want to send a

> message to? " Suppose you

> then said the person's name (or "me" for sending

> yourself reminders). Then,

> suppose you spoke your brief message. Then, in a few

> minutes, suppose the

> message were sent to an e-mail address (as a

> translated text message, with a

> "real voice" audio option) or as an SMS text

> message. Suppose, also, that

> you could set up a group of people, and whenever you

> wanted to, you could

> send them all one voice/text/email message. (Suppose

> this group were all the

> students in your class, or all the instructors at

> your program, who have

> either a land line or cell phone.)




> Such a free service exists. (There may be more than

> one, but I only know of

> one.) If you would like to know what it is, here's

> the catch: you have to

> email me (djrosen at at least one idea of

> how you would use this

> with students. Then I will email you the URL for the

> free service. I am not

> promoting this service particularly (although I do

> think it could be

> useful.) What I am trying to do is to use the

> collective intelligence,

> imagination and experience of subscribers on this

> list to collect ideas

> about how to use such a technology. I will compile

> whatever I get and send a

> summary back to this list.




> If you want to know the Web address, send me -- not

> the Technology list --

> your idea(s) about how to use this service with your

> basic literacy, ESOL,

> ABE, ASE, or college transition students, students

> -- in a face-to-face or

> on-line setting.




> David J. Rosen


> djrosen at












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> End of Technology Digest, Vol 26, Issue 6

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