National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1364] Re: Role reversals for older adults acquiringtechnology skills

Mary Alice Jackson mjackson23 at
Sat Oct 27 13:05:20 EDT 2007

Thanks Pat! The knitting lesson is a great idea! I like your comparisons too. Teaching 55+ adults is different. I spent 30 years in the computer industry prior to going back to school but hooking us my DVD player to my TIVO is causing me fits! I need to borrow one of my neighbor's kids!

-----Original Message-----
From: Pat Strezo <strpat at>
To: The Technology and Literacy Discussion List <technology at>
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 05:33:50 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Technology 1362] Re: Role reversals for older adults acquiringtechnology skills


I coordinate a computer literacy program for seniors 55 yrs. and older. When traditional students want to give of their time to assist my first question to them is, "How did you learn a PC." Naturally, most can not answer that. Then I ask them if they know how to knit, if not, I ask if someone in their family does and usually there is someone. I ask them to spend time to learn to knit and come back and we will discuss it. When they do, they tell me how hard it was and confusing. I then explain to them that is how difficult it is for some adult learners whose last formal education was over 60 + yrs. ago, to understand the PC and eye hand coordination. What has worked for these students has been comparisons to other skills, desktop of a PC, holds all the items (Icons) to operate the PC and software programs - just like a desktop in an office (typewritter, pens, paper etc) Of course sometimes I have to help the younger person by explaining what offices of the 1950's - 60's
were like. Also, what it took to fix a holiday meal without a microwave etc. Hope this helps

Pat Strezo
Educational Coordinator
Capitol Region RSVP
pat at

Mary Alice Jackson <mjackson23 at> wrote:
Thanks George. I don't know which is more impressive - the 11-year as the computer lab volunteer and co-author of the math elective or the fact that someone in their mid-60's has an eleven year old child! Nevertheless, thanks for sharing your experience!

-----Original Message-----
From: "George Demetrion"
To: "The Technology and Literacy Discussion List"
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 14:01:41 -0400
Subject: [Technology 1360] Re: Role reversals for older adults acquiringtechnology skills

Hi Mary,

No research, but a case in point.

A woman in her mid 60s entered our Basic Literacy program this fall,
reading at a very low level. She then referred her daughter to the same
program who reads at a much higher level.

Here's the kicker. This woman's 11 year old daughter comes and acts as
one of our computer-lab volunteers and she is very good. In addition
she will be co-tutoring our math elective.

This was a new one even for me.

George Demetrion

George Demetrion
Director of Program Operations
Literacy Volunteers of Greater Hartford
30 Arbor Street
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 233-3853
George.Demetrion at

-----Original Message-----
From: technology-bounces at [mailto:technology-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Mary Alice Jackson
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 1:46 PM
To: technology at
Subject: [Technology 1359] Role reversals for older adults
acquiringtechnology skills

I'm interested in any research that has been conducted looking at role
reversals with older adults learning to use technology. Traditionally,
we have seen adults teaching children whether in formal settings or
informal settings. With technology (VCR, DVD players, digital cameras,
cell phones, computers, etc.), we often see the reverse i.e., children
are teaching adults. I've observed this with a number of family and
friends over 50 (including myself sometimes). A 65-year old friend of
mine asked me a question about a new cell phone she recently purchased
and shared with me that Kristen (a 12 or 13-year old) had set it up for
her. During one season of American Idol, I called a friend of mine to
ask her how to text my vote in. She replied, "I don't know. I have my
12-year old nephew do it for me!"

So, with that said, has anyone come across research conducted in this
area? Thanks.

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