National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1344] Re: Online Portfolios

Doris Harris anniedharris at
Tue Oct 9 10:01:56 EDT 2007

This does look interesting. Our program is required to use Live Text for our
portfolios. I haven't purchased it yet. It's even more expensive ($75
through the school) but here's the link in case anyone is interested
in using it.

Doris Harris
Georgia State University

On 10/8/07, Marian Thacher <mthacher at> wrote:


> Thanks for sharing this tool, Holly. I haven't seen Taskstream before, and

> it looks pretty interesting. The idea of having an online portfolio that is

> always available is very appealing, especially for those of us who are

> freeway flyers and change jobs from time to time. $49/yr isn't an outrageous

> cost, but of course it would be nice to find something free. The OSP site

> looks very interesting too. From reviewing their white paper, clearly a lot

> of thought has gone into what functionality you would want to have for an

> online portfolio, how people might be grouped, etc.


> So it comes down to commercial vs. open source. You would want to choose

> the one that will be around and stable the longest. Is it a guessing game?

> Does anyone have a strong opinion? On OSP you can sign up for 6 years, but

> that doesn't mean it will still be there in 6 years.


> Is anyone else using one of these, or another?


> Marian


> *The Technology and Literacy Discussion List <technology at> on

> Saturday, October 06, 2007 at 10:42 AM -0800 wrote:

> *Hello all,

> David (Rosen) suggested adding the sixth element of online portfolios.



> As part of the online graduate work I'm presently working through with the

> University of Phoenix Online (Masters in Adult Ed and Training), we are

> required to build such a portfolio using Taskstream. Taskstream is new to

> me -- <>

> (and you might want to check the "about us" tab), perhaps it is already

> familiar to many of you?


> I'm enjoying my beginning efforts at creating my online portfolios [my

> very very beginning attempt at first one is here:

> <> ]



> I like the ability to create different ones, to have them "open to the

> world" or limited to those with the 'key' password. You can then market

> yourself appropriately for different specific niches.



> I have not made the time to research but wonder if there are any open

> source online portfolio systems/models out there? On a quick Google search

> I found this, but did not explore:


> Certainly many people create their own webpages – but for those less savvy

> or time-limited (speaking of course, of myself!), and for the added

> 'panache' and guidance/structure, access to such a resource as TaskStream is

> much appreciated! As part of our coursework, we're encouraged to include

> papers, PowerPoints, etc. Your CV gone live! I'm excited about expanding

> and embellishing mine with info from various PD opportunities, conferences,

> presentations, books & articles which have influenced me, etc. It should

> prove to be an interesting reflective project. And, think of the future

> paper shuffling it should save!



> I can see great benefit in enabling such an opportunity AS PART OF routine

> PD for anyone, perhaps especially so for educators – and if it were more

> routine – think how useful it might be in screening applicants for new

> positions – [TaskStream has a user search feature, message board, more – I'm

> still learning my way through it].


> Many job search sites ask you to upload information – but it's often

> reformatted, less attractively, and it's a major nuisance to copy and paste.

> How nice to have such an online portfolio to share – to refer people to.


> Unfortunately, the cost is a tad prohibitive for many individuals.

> [Taskstream does have a two week free trial option]


> --

> Holly (Dilatush)


> holly at

> (434) 960.7177 cell phone

> (434) 295.9716 home phone

> [OK to call 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. EST / GMT -5 time]


> "No matter what our attempts to inform, it is our ability to inspire that

> will turn the tides."


> "Live with intention. Share inside~out smiles, inspire hope, seek awe and

> nurture in nature."



> <>

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