National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1340] Online Portfolios

Holly Dilatush holly at
Sat Oct 6 13:42:41 EDT 2007

Hello all,
David (Rosen) suggested adding the sixth element of online portfolios.

As part of the online graduate work I'm presently working through with the
University of Phoenix Online (Masters in Adult Ed and Training), we are
required to build such a portfolio using Taskstream. Taskstream is new to
me --

(and you might want to check the "about us" tab), perhaps it is already
familiar to many of you?

I'm enjoying my beginning efforts at creating my online portfolios [my very
very beginning attempt at first one is here:

I like the ability to create different ones, to have them "open to the
world" or limited to those with the 'key' password. You can then market
yourself appropriately for different specific niches.

I have not made the time to research but wonder if there are any open source
online portfolio systems/models out there? On a quick Google search I found
this, but did not explore:

Certainly many people create their own webpages – but for those less savvy
or time-limited (speaking of course, of myself!), and for the added
'panache' and guidance/structure, access to such a resource as TaskStream is
much appreciated! As part of our coursework, we're encouraged to include
papers, PowerPoints, etc. Your CV gone live! I'm excited about expanding
and embellishing mine with info from various PD opportunities, conferences,
presentations, books & articles which have influenced me, etc. It should
prove to be an interesting reflective project. And, think of the future
paper shuffling it should save!

I can see great benefit in enabling such an opportunity AS PART OF routine
PD for anyone, perhaps especially so for educators – and if it were more
routine – think how useful it might be in screening applicants for new
positions – [TaskStream has a user search feature, message board, more – I'm
still learning my way through it].

Many job search sites ask you to upload information – but it's often
reformatted, less attractively, and it's a major nuisance to copy and paste.
How nice to have such an online portfolio to share – to refer people to.

Unfortunately, the cost is a tad prohibitive for many individuals. [Taskstream
does have a two week free trial option]

Holly (Dilatush)

holly at
(434) 960.7177 cell phone
(434) 295.9716 home phone
[OK to call 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. EST / GMT -5 time]

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