National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1325] Re: Trying Out the Technology Integration SelfAssessment (T

Marian Thacher mthacher at
Thu Oct 4 14:41:40 EDT 2007

Thanks, Tina, I'm glad you had a chance to take a look at it. I know
Arizona has done a lot with technology for adult ed teachers and learners.
Your technology standards for learners, with sample activities, are a good
model for the rest of us. (9, p.232)

Just for clarification, there are two self-assessments on the site, One is for teachers considering distance teaching.
It goes through the various roles that a distance teacher might have, and
provides many examples from real teachers. The purpose is to assist
teachers in deciding whether distance teaching is for them, and helping to
identify areas where help or training might be needed.

The other one, under the heading Tech Savvy? is about using technology in
the classroom. That's the one I've been involved with. It focuses on what
kinds of technology we might be using in the classroom with our learners,
and it provides the opportunity to create a professional development plan
and save it online.

Marian Thacher, OTAN
P.O. Box 269003
Sacramento, CA 95826-9003
(916) 228-2597
The Technology and Literacy Discussion List <technology at> on
Wednesday, October 03, 2007 at 5:58 PM -0800 wrote:

>Hi there,


>Yes, I have taken the TISA for teachers. The assessment does show me

>where I can improve in my technology skills. To improve, I can print out

>the final assessment and then make getting more training part of my goals

>for my professional development for this year. I do appreciate all of the

>work that went in to creating this tool for online instructors.




>Tina Luffman

>Coordinator, Developmental Education

>Verde Valley Campus


>[ mailto:tina_luffman at ]tina_luffman at



>-----technology-bounces at wrote: -----




>To: "The Technology and Literacy Discussion List" <technology at>

>From: "Mariann Fedele" <MariannF at>

>Sent by: technology-bounces at

>Date: 10/03/2007 11:33AM

>Subject: [Technology 1319] Re: Trying Out the Technology Integration

>SelfAssessment (TISA)


>Hello All,


>Has anyone on the list taken the assessment? Can you share your thoughts

>about how you could use it for your own professional development or how

>you would want to see it used in your program or state?


>Marian will be taking all questions through the rest of the week so

>let's take advantage of her time set aside for the list!







>Mariann Fedele


>NYC Regional Adult Education Network

>Literacy Assistance Center


>NIFL Technology and Literacy Discussion List

>32 Broadway 10th Floor

>New York, New York 10004


>mariannf at




>-----Original Message-----

>From: technology-bounces at [[ mailto:technology-bounces at

>]mailto:technology-bounces at]

>On Behalf Of David J. Rosen

>Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 8:41 AM

>To: The Technology and Literacy Discussion List

>Subject: [Technology 1317] Trying Out the Technology Integration

>SelfAssessment (TISA)


>Technology Colleagues,


>Marian Thacher mentioned that I helped to review the TISA

>competencies. As I was considering the technology competency

>categories and, within them, the specific competencies, I was

>thinking that the list should be wide-ranging, that it should cover

>the basics and also push in some new directions for using technology.

>I thought that the assessment that would be developed based on the

>list should be useful for a teacher who was new to using technology

>in the classroom and not confident, and also for a teacher who had a

>lot of experience using technology but was ready to take on new

>skills and knowledge. When you take the assessment, please let us

>know if the range of comepetencies met your needs for professional

>development. Were you able to identify ways that you could grow in

>using technology in the classroom?


>Speaking of which, please do take the assessment. It's at http://

> If you can, do it today so you can fully

>participate in this discussion. If you have more time, use the TISA

>to build yourself an Integrating technology professional development

>plan. Then let us know how this worked for you.


>For those who may be confused about what this is, the Technology

>Integration Self Assessment (TISA) is an online self assessment of

>one's skills in using technology in the adult education classroom,

>and it is more. It is a planning process that leads to a professional

>development plan. And more. It includes strategies for using local,

>face-to-face professional development learning resources, and for

>each competency it also includes links to free, online learning

>resources for teachers.


>Since I was very involved in selecting the online learning resources

>for teachers, I am particularly eager to see what you think of them.

>I would also appreciate knowing about other (better) free online

>resources that would help a teacher master a particular integrating

>technology competency. The list of learning resources is useful, I

>believe, but could be better. If you have suggestions for online

>learning resources that could be added, or other suggestions, please

>let Marian and me know.


>David J. Rosen

>djrosen at




>On Oct 2, 2007, at 8:29 PM, Marian Thacher wrote:


>> One of the interesting challenges in creating the Technology

>> Integration Self-Assessment ( was to

>> determine exactly what should be included in the definition of

>> technology integration. After looking at a variety of tools, lists,

>> and sets of standards, we decided on 12 categories of competencies.

>> The list was reviewed and discussed by several experts in the

>> field, including Mariann Fedele, our fearless list moderator; David

>> Rosen, a consultant and frequent list participant; Laurie

>> Cozzolino, a consultant who has been active with technology for

>> adult education for many years; and Donna Price, a technology

>> resource teacher for adult ESOL in San Diego. With their input, and

>> feedback from a number of teacher/reviewers and pilot testers, we

>> settled on the following list:


>> I. Basic Computer Operation

>> Includes file management, minor troubleshooting, and helping

>> students learn these skills


>> II. Productivity Software

>> Includes word processing, presentation programs (like

>> PowerPoint), spreadsheets, and graphics


>> III. Instructional Software

>> Includes evaluating instructional software and assigning and

>> tracking learners


>> IV. Assistive Technology

>> Includes making computers accessible as well as locating

>> appropriate software and assistive devices


>> V. Using the Internet

>> Includes using the Internet personally as well as in the

>> classroom


>> VI. Virtual Communication and Collaboration

>> Includes using email, discussion boards, blogs, podcasting and

>> other ways of communicating, both personally and in the classroom


>> VII. Video Technologies

>> Includes using a video camera and doing video projects with

>> learners


>> VIII. Evaluating and Incorporating New Technologies

>> The list of new technologies will always be a moving target,

>> but the questions mostly ask about strategies for keeping up with

>> whatever is new


>> IX. Managing the Technology-Enhanced Classroom

>> Not a specific technology, but a set of strategies and

>> attitudea about integrating new technology possibilities into teaching


>> X. Assessment

>> Asks about both standardized testing and creating online and

>> performance-based assessments


>> XI. Professional Development

>> Includes professional development about technology, and also

>> professional development through technology


>> XII. Social, Legal and Health Issues

>> Includes acceptable use policies, copyright laws, ergonomics

>> and the role of technology in society


>> This can be a pretty daunting list, but the site encourages users

>> to focus on only 1 or 2 competencies at a time, and definitely not

>> to select more than 4 items to include in a professional

>> development plan.


>> Hopefully just taking the self-assessment will be an enlightening

>> experience for some, raising the possibilities and providing examples.


>> Not everyone has access to all kinds of technology, so the

>> assessment asks people to rate both their skills and the importance

>> to their teaching now or in the future. You might not have access

>> to a video camera right now, for example, but that could change in

>> the future. The areas that will show up as priorities for

>> professional development are the ones that have an average rating

>> of above 2 in priority, on a scale of 1 to 4, and below 2 on skills.


>> Does it seem to you that this list covers the important areas? Any

>> thoughts about the areas covered, or how the self-assessment might

>> affect teachers? Can you see the teachers in your program using the

>> self-assessment?


>> Marian

>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

>> Marian Thacher, OTAN

>> P.O. Box 269003

>> Sacramento, CA 95826-9003

>> (916) 228-2597




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