National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1298] Re: Discussion Announcement: Technology Integration Self-Assessment

Pinder Naidu pnaidu at
Mon Sep 24 12:10:33 EDT 2007

To All:

As a user of technology in classes with students, I wonder when and how
do we know if technology is the appropriate tool. Is it after we have
invested time and effort into the software and realize that students are
not using it? Or is there a survey that we can use to access our
students ability to access the technology and if so how often would they
use it?

I am concerned that we use technology as a tool and not give it the
more importance than face to face instruction.

Pinder Naidu
Math Instructor
Georgia State Graduate Student

>>> MariannF at 9/24/2007 11:03:06 AM >>>

Dear Technology list colleagues, I am very pleased to announce that
Marian Thatcher, a regular contributor to the tech list, will be leading
a discussion on the newly launched Technology Integration
Self-Assessment (TISA) next week. More information about the TISA will
follow on a subsequent email. For now here is the general shape the
discussion will take. What other questions and areas of concern would
you like to see addressed? Discussion Announcement: On October 1 - 5,
Marian Thacher will be joining the NIFL Technology and Literacy
Discussion List to lead a discussion on the new online technology
self-assessment for teachers at AdultEd Online,

Marian is the director of OTAN ( a California adult
education project that provides information and technology integration
support for adult educators in California. Prior to her five years with
OTAN, she taught ESL and was involved in workplace education and media
projects in San Diego and Chicago.

In addition to sharing information about the self-assessment and the
professional development plan that accompanies it, Marian will share the
development process and resources that were used to create the tool.
Questions related to technology integration are:

1. What are the skills an adult education teacher should have in order
to use technology effectively with learners?

2. What is the role of a professional development plan, and how should
it be used?

3. How do we keep up with the fast pace of technology change? What are
our learning strategies?

What other questions would you like to discuss about technology
integration competencies, professional development plans, and the
challenge of keeping up? Regards,Mariann Mariann FedeleDirector,NYC
Regional Adult Education NetworkLiteracy Assistance CenterModerator,
NIFL Technology and Literacy Discussion List
32 Broadway 10th Floor
New York, New York 10004
mariannf at

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