National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1279] Re: Tech Integration Self-Assessment

D. Meredith Hutchings HUTCHIDM at
Fri Sep 14 08:58:47 EDT 2007

Hi Marian,

Thanks for making the change to the login.

I like the tool and especially the emphasis and straight forward messaging about the importance of establishing a relationship in distance ed courses.

For the last few years, I have been teaching an online portfolio/ business communication course with military students. I found the fastest way to build the kind of rapport that you build in the classroom is through asking students to write pride stories. Students send me their brainstorm list as well as their completed story. Seems to be a great way to quick start a respectful relationship.


Meredith Hutchings
Curriculum Consultant
NS Department of Education
Skills and Learning Branch
Adult Education Division
4th Floor, 2021 Brunswick St.
P.O. Box 578
Halifax, NS B3J 2S9
(902) 424-1881 phone
(902) 424-1171 fax
hutchidm at
For more information about NSSAL: )
1-877-go-NSSAL (1-877-466- 7725)

>>> David J.Rosen <djrosen at> 9/13/2007 2:57 PM >>>


You wrote:

> I looked at the website that has been launched can see its

> usefulness, however, I wondered if anyone has any experience or

> success stories in using it for K-12 teachers to self-assess?


> Crystal Cuby Richardson

> Georgia State University

The Technology Integration Self-assessment (TISA) section of is new, just launched at the end of August. It was
field-tested with adult education practitioners (teachers and
administrators) in several parts of the U.S. It was designed for
adult education teachers. Nevertheless, it may be useful for K-12
teachers. Many of the competencies upon which the self assessment
apply in K-12, I would think, and some of the on-line professional
development learning resources, and many of the learning strategies
apply to K-12.

If you use it with K-12 teachers, let us (Marian Thacher in
particular, mthacher at know what you think.

David J. Rosen
djrosen at

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