National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1069] Re: Tryout periods

Steve Quann steve_quann at
Fri Jun 15 11:18:20 EDT 2007

Kind of like a drop/add period or time to withdraw without penaly like with college courses.

>>> "David J. Rosen" <djrosen at> 06/15/07 9:01 AM >>>

Distance Learning Technology Colleagues,

Earlier this week, in response to a message Heidi Silver-Pacuilla had
posted, Holly Dilatush wrote:

"too many learners register, show up one week, then drop before/
without completing 12 hours/first episode. Follow-up (to attempt to
determine WHY) has been challenging -- guesswork more than documented
responses. There
are SO many extenuating circumstances."

For many adult learners, especially those who choose online options,
and for many reasons, we need to design/include/expect a "tryout
period" a short online learning experience -- perhaps two weeks --
sampling the material, process and technology used in the longer,
online learning. At the end of the tryout, participants can stop (if
they were experimenting with the medium, are not happy with the
content, can't make the longer commitment, or for any other reason).
Those who are ready to commit, can do so, and at that point begin to
be counted in the DOE-funded system.

Does an example of this already exist somewhere? If so, how is the
tryout period funded? (State and local funders and private funders
need to pick up the costs of this "tryout")

I believe we need the same sort of tryout period for teachers doing
online professional development. Does a model of this exist somewhere?

Your thoughts?

David J. Rosen
djrosen at

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