National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1041] Re: Inmate computer use statistics?

Amy Haywood haywoodmedspec at
Thu May 24 07:27:39 EDT 2007

I can tell you that in Delaware inmates use computers in the education computer labs but they do not have Internet access. I have been the Media Specialist at the Baylor Women's Correctional Facility for 11 years and this has always been the case.

Anna Barker <dv1635 at> wrote: Hi, I'm new to this listserve, I'm a MLIS student at Wayne State and am trying to find
some current info on inmate access to computers. I've found some older
statistics, but nothing after 2000. I'm particularly interested in issues regarding
internet access to prison inmates, and the degrees of technology literacy among
inmates. I'd appreciate any leads.
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Amy L. Haywood,Independent Consultant
Arbonne International
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