National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1031] Re: Inmate computer use statistics?

Joyce Probus jprobus at
Wed May 23 15:44:29 EDT 2007

I'd recommend that you contact the Correctional Education Association, Their annual International Meeting will be
held in Atlanta July 8-11, and I'm sure you can make contacts you need
through this organization.

KET's LiteracyLink GED and Workplace Education materials are used in the
corrections system, and I learned today that Virginia is starting an
online initiative in which the LiteracyLink Online Management system
will be used to support inmates' work on the LiteracyLink Online
Learning modules. George Bailey at the Virginia Adult Learning Resource
Center is conducting the training, I'm sure he can direct you to the
right person for more information:

I'd also recommend that you speak with David Collings, Chair of the
Adult Literacy and Technology Network - a national organization which
promotes the use of instructional technology. David was involved in an
experimental server-based application of LiteracyLink at a prison in the
DC area around 2002. David was a guest moderator on this list in
February of this year. His email address is david at

Anna Barker wrote:

> Hi, I'm new to this listserve, I'm a MLIS student at Wayne State and am trying to find

> some current info on inmate access to computers. I've found some older

> statistics, but nothing after 2000. I'm particularly interested in issues regarding

> internet access to prison inmates, and the degrees of technology literacy among

> inmates. I'd appreciate any leads.

> Thanks,

> Anna

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