National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1014] Re: technological literacy question

nancy.friday at nancy.friday at
Thu May 17 09:39:00 EDT 2007


I have been subscribed to and reading this list serv with great interest for a
long, long time and never posted.

I work at the AlphaPlus Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada as coordinator of
AlphaRoute, an online learning environment for adult literacy students.
AlphaRoute has been developed over the past 11 years now as a closed Web-based
learning space that welcomes and enables adult literacy students to explore
learning in a virtual way, learn about email, chat rooms, dicussion forums,
self-managed and mentor-supported learning. Over the past three years we have
introduced short (4 week long) online courses to students so they can try out
and hone skills needed to be successful and familiar with the basics of online
courses. The first two years of the online courses were presented within the
WebBoard discussion system used to host AlphaRoute discussions and chat. This
year we are using Moodle, a course management system that we know is used in
many colleges for courses.

Course topics over the three years have included poetry appreciation (very
popular), First Nations storytelling, Using the Internet to find work, Using the
Internet for research, improving multiplication skills, learning about health,
reviewing books. Generally about 100 students enroll in the courses and about 30
complete the course and achieve a certificate of participation.

The skills we typically list on the certificate are:
-Navigate Web sites, manage links, pop-up windows, drop-down menus, and button
-Post and reply to messages within an online forum, includes type, edit and
thread messages, use emoticons, use the html editor
-Manage time within an online course
-Navigate the Moodle online course environment
-Use online course features such as online quizzes, surveys, resources,
messaging and forums successfully
-Confidence in taking further online courses
-Participate in an evaluation activity

When we were offering the online courses using WebBoard, Tracey Mollins, the
course developer created supporting web sites to help students find the weekly
work. You can visit these sites and learning more about our online courses
(even view a sample certificate at Oen the
Resources button and go to Online courses for adult literacy students.

You can sign up as a trial user in AlphaRoute as well, but trial access won't
give you access to the email, discussions, chat rooms or online courses.

AlphaRoute has been available free to 300 literacy programs across Ontario for 7
years now as well as a growing number of literacy programs across Canada. It is
a collection of Web-Based learning activities, not a curriculum.

There is a public scaled down version of AlphaRoute at
that your students can access anytime.

Nancy Friday
AlphaRoute Coordinator
AlphaPlus Centre

"Mariann Fedele" <MariannF at> on 05/16/2007 04:15:45 PM

Please respond to The Technology and Literacy Discussion List
<technology at>

To: "The Technology and Literacy Discussion List"
<technology at>

cc: (bcc: Nancy Friday)

Subject: [Technology 1011] technological literacy question

Hello Tech list colleagues,

Is any one on the list doing work on technological literacy with
students? If so how are you defining it, and how are you teaching it?
Are there any resources you recommend?

Even if you aren't doing anything instructional around technological
literacy what are your thoughts on how it should be defined and what
should be taught?

Mariann Fedele


NYC Regional Adult Education Network

Literacy Assistance Center

NIFL Technology and Literacy Discussion List
32 Broadway 10th Floor
New York, New York 10004
mariannf at

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Nancy Friday
AlphaRoute Coordinator
AlphaPlus Centre (
Telephone: (416) 322-1012 x.305
Fax: 1-800-788-1417
TTY: 1-800-788-1912
nancy.friday at

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