National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1005] Re: M-learning through cell phones

Wendy Quinones wbquinones at
Mon May 14 12:37:01 EDT 2007

MessageThis is a brilliant idea! My only reservation is that I recently tried to use Flickr for some vacation pics, and some people couldn't log on at all; others had to set up a Yahoo account. Perhaps there's a more userr-friendly platform? I finally just went to Yahoo photos, with which you send an email to people to invite them to view the photos.

And you can caption photos on both platforms.

----- Original Message -----
From: Bakin, Barry
To: The Technology and Literacy Discussion List
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 6:49 PM
Subject: [Technology 990] Re: M-learning through cell phones

Perhaps you all have encountered this before but this is a first for me. Looking out the window of my office in downtown L.A. one has a great view of the billowing clouds of smoke coming from a fire that broke out in the Griffith Park area of Los Angeles a few hours ago. Wanting to get more information about the fire and in particular about how it might be affecting freeway traffic for my commute home, I googled "fire in griffith park" and in addition to some news reports, found a link to a local weblog that said "People are putting up photos all over Flickr. The tag is here." Clicking on the link brought me to which indeed claims to have some 300+ photos posted already.

I got to wondering about how this could all be used in a teaching context, especially in light of recent discussions in this forum and others about incorporating mobile technologies into adult education. What if teachers worldwide, communicating through email, set up a common assignment such as "Sometime today, post pictures to flickr (or some other website that allows photos to be posted directly from cellphones)of a family doing something together and tag the photos with the same descriptor which is "Family Activity ESL" or something very specific." Students would then be sent out to capture images on their cellphones as homework and they would send them directly to the flickr. The next day, all of the students could type in the search term to see the images that were posted from all over the world and use them as the basis for discussion or writing assignments in their own classes or between classes or individuals worldwide...

Just thinking outloud here...

Barry Bakin

Pacoima Skills Center


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