National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 944] Re: Handheld discussion day 3

Evelyn Brown EBrown at
Thu Apr 19 14:46:11 EDT 2007

I love the inspiration software and it is very easy to use. I use it to help visual and visual spatial students. it makes a mind map of the topic. I also use it to help these students organize their notes into a mind map. The mind map can them be converted to other shapes such as top down or side to side flow chart system. the whole organization of material can also be converted to an outline if needed.
Students learn how to use this quickly on their own.

Evelyn Brown
Academic Development Specialist
Parkland College
2400 West Bradley
Champaign, IL 61821
ebrown at

>>> <Tina_Luffman at> 4/19/2007 11:24 AM >>>

Hi Marilyn,

Please comment about the Inspiration software program. I have a copy of this sitting in a box, and your comments make the program sound really worthwhile. Perhaps I could get this software placed on computers in our classroom for writing development for the students.

Also, has anyone used Steck-Vaughn's Study Buddy handheld unit with students? These are more expensive than the Palm, and serve a different purpose. Study Buddy technology appears to be a handheld version of lessons in the five subject areas. Palms appear to be more of a writing and organizational tool.

Please also let me know if anyone out there is using a Palm for Math lessons or games.



Tina Luffman
Coordinator, Developmental Education
Verde Valley Campus
tina_luffman at

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