National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 865] New from NCSALL

Kaye Beall kabeall at
Wed Feb 14 13:25:59 EST 2007

Adult Literacy Research: Opportunities and Challenges by John Comings and
Lisa Soricone
This occasional paper has two goals that support the building of a stronger
research base for the adult literacy field. The first goal is to interest
researchers in pursuing rigorous scientific research in this field. Despite
the many challenges to research, this field offers researchers some
opportunities to have a positive impact on education, increase the research
base, and advance their careers. The second goal is to identify these
challenges and approaches to overcoming them so that future research could
design more successful studies. Addressing these challenges to research is a
critical step toward building a larger and stronger foundation of evidence
to support practitioner decisions.

To download the paper, go to the NCSALL Web site:

Evaluating and Interpreting Research Syntheses in Adult Learning and
Literacy by Harris Cooper
This occasional paper introduces the methods of research synthesis and
meta-analysis to researchers and consumers of research in the field of adult
learning and literacy. The first section defines key terms and offers a
brief history of how the methodologies developed. The second section
provides a conceptualization of research synthesis that views it no
differently from other research endeavors in the social sciences. Then, the
tasks of research synthesis are presented within the context of a
hypothetical example drawn from the literature on adult learning and

To download the paper, go to the NCSALL Web site:


Kaye Beall

World Education

4401 S. Madison St.

Muncie, IN 47302

Tel: 765-717-3942

Fax: 617-482-0617

kaye_beall at

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