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Spreading the Word about NIDA Research

NIDA will be exploring new avenues to broaden the dissemination of research findings and to continue to improve drug abuse prevention and treatment practices and policies.

By Dr. Alan I. Leshner, NIDA Director
Sparked by recent advances in opiate studies and other basic research, drug abuse researchers are excited about the promise of what may lie ahead. I share that excitement because I believe, as they do, that we may be on the brink of making important new discoveries to help us more effectively address the problems of drug abuse and addiction.

Since I became NIDA's director last February, I have immersed myself in each aspect of NIDA's research portfolio. I have been tremendously impressed myself with the extent of drug abuse research advances made by NIDA-supported investigators and intramural scientists. However, at the same time, I have found that few people besides the researchers themselves know about the depth and breadth of these findings. So far as I can tell, it is largely scientists alone who fully appreciate the potential for new drug abuse discoveries.

The public's widely recognized concerns about drug abuse and related crime issues are leading to critical policy deliberations involving everything from law enforcement and prison sentencing to foreign relations. Unfortunately, the decisions that result are often made without full consideration of the wealth of current research advances that have improved our fundamental understanding of drug abuse. Research findings are not reaching those who need to understand and act on them.

I think that it is time to correct this situation. Given the importance of the problems we are addressing- drug abuse and addiction-NIDA must be more than a purely scientific institute. Besides conducting critical research, we must both provide information necessary for making policy decisions and give guidance to treatment and prevention efforts. We need to make sure that the information we generate is disseminated quickly and effectively to policymakers, treatment and prevention practitioners, and the general public. We must strive to make sure our research findings both understandable and relevant to treatment and prevention practitioners so that they better comprehend their patients' problems and why and how the prevention and treatment approaches they use work.

In the months and years ahead, NIDA will be exploring new avenues to broaden the dissemination of research findings and to continue to improve drug abuse prevention and treatment practices and policies. We also will intensify our efforts to use scientific knowledge more effectively to educate the public about the real nature of drug abuse and addiction. The public, too, should share the hopes of our researchers.

What are some of the reasons for these hopes?

It was the groundbreaking discovery of the opioid receptor in 1973 that launched the modern era of drug abuse studies. Scientists demonstrated that the opioid receptor is the molecular site in the brain where opiates begin their euphoric and addictive action. The receptor breakthrough was soon followed by the discovery of the endogenous opioid peptides-the "brain's own morphine"-which bind to opioid receptors to reduce pain and stress. These two key opiate research discoveries inspired a generation of researchers. From its founding 20 years ago, NIDA's record of achievement based on opiate research has been lengthy and impressive and has included these contributions:

While this is by no means an exhaustive list of NIDA's basic research accomplishments, I believe it provides a clear understanding of why drug abuse researchers are excited and hopeful.

Dr. Huda Akil of the University of Michigan, on of NIDA's original grantees, has been closely involved with advances in opiate research since the 1970s. In tracing the history of opiate research at NIDA's June conference on progress in neuroscience research, Dr. Akil spoke of the enthusiasm and hope now prevalent among veteran researchers as they employ the latest technologies and knowledge in studying drug abuse.

"This is just the beginning" in the scientific quest to fully understand how the brain works and to pinpoint the cellular and molecular mechanisms of drug addiction, she said.

We need to spread the word so that the public, too, will share researchers' feelings of excitement and hope about finding better ways to prevent and treat drug abuse.

From NIDA NOTES, September/October 1994

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