Saturday, January 17, 2009


Agencies beginning with common titles such as Georgia, Commission, Department or State are listed with the title following the name of the organization. (Example – Department of Revenue is listed as Revenue, Department of)

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Accounting Office, State

Administrative Hearings, Office of State

Administrative Office of the Courts

Administrative Services, Department of

Agriculture, Department of


American Indian Concerns, Council of

Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinators

Attorney General, Office of

Audits, Department of

Bback to top

Banking and Finance, Department of

Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund Commission

Building Authority, Georgia

Bureau of Investigation, Georgia

Cback to top

Child Advocate, Office of

Children and Families, Governor's Office for

Civil War Commission

Community Affairs, Department of

Community Health, Department of

Composite State Board of Medical Examiners

Consumer Affairs, Governor's Office of

Corrections, Department of

Council for the Arts, Georgia

Council of Juvenile Court Judges

Council of Superior Court Judges

Court of Appeals

Courts Automation Commission

Criminal Justice Coordinating Council

Dback to top

Defense, Department of

Development Authority, Georgia

Developmental Disabilities Council

Dispute Resolution, Georgia Commission on

Driver Services, Department of

Drugs and Narcotics Agency

Eback to top

Early Care and Learning, Department of

Economic Development, Department of

Education, Department of

Emergency Management Agency, Georgia

Employees' Retirement System

Environmental Facilities Authority, Georgia

Equal Opportunity, Georgia Commission of

Ethics Commission, State

Fback to top

Fatherhood Program

Financing and Investment Commission, Georgia State

Firefighter Standards and Training Council, Georgia

Fiscal Management Council, Georgia

Forestry Commission, Georgia

Gback to top

Georgia General Assembly

Georgia State Games Commission

Golf Hall of Fame, Georgia

Governor's Council On Maternal and Infant Health

Hback to top

Health Care Fraud Control Unit, State

Herty Advance Materials Development Center

Higher Education Savings Plan, Georgia

Highway Safety, Governor's Office of

Holocaust, Georgia Commission on the

House of Representatives, Georgia

Human Resources, Department of

Humanities Council, Georgia

Iback to top

Inspector General, Office of the State

Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner, Georgia

Jback to top

Jekyll Island State Park Authority

Juvenile Justice, Department of

Kback to top

Lback to top

Labor, Department of

Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority

Land Conservation Program

Lieutenant Governor's Office

Lottery Corporation, Georgia

Mback to top

Medical Education Board, State

Motor Vehicle Division, Department of Revenue

Music Hall of Fame, Georgia

Nback to top

National Fairgrounds and Agricenter, Georgia

Natural Resources, Department of

New Georgia Encyclopedia

Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission

Oback to top

Office of Homeland Security, Georgia

Pback to top

Pardons and Paroles, State Board of

Patrol, Georgia State

Peace Officers Standards and Training Council

Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund of Georgia

Physician Workforce, Georgia Board for

Planning and Budget, Office of

Ports Authority, Georgia

Professional Standards Commission, Georgia

Properties Commission, State

Prosecuting Attorneys' Council

Public Broadcasting Authority, Georgia

Public Defender Standards Council, Georgia

Public Safety Training Center

Public Safety, Department of

Public Service Commission

Qback to top

Rback to top

Rail Passenger Program, Georgia

Real Estate Commission, Georgia

Regents, Board of

Regional Transportation Authority, Georgia

Revenue, Department of

Road and Tollway Authority, State

Sback to top

School Superintendent, State

Secretary of State, Office of the

Senate, Georgia

Soil and Water Conservation Commission, State

Spatial Data Infrastructure, Georgia

Sports Hall of Fame Authority

State Personnel Administration

Stone Mountain Memorial Association

Student Achievement, Governor's Office of

Student Finance Commission, Georgia

Subsequent Injury Trust Fund

Superior Court Clerks' Cooperative Authority, Georgia

Supreme Court, Georgia

Tback to top

Teachers' Retirement System

Technical and Adult Education, Department of

Technology Authority, Georgia

Transportation, Department of

Treasury and Fiscal Services, Office of

Uback to top

Vback to top

Veterans Services, Department of

Wback to top

Workers' Compensation, State Board of

Workforce Development, Governor's Office of

World Congress Center Authority, Georgia

Xback to top

Yback to top

Zback to top