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Calendar of Events

To post events to the ADP Calendar of Events, submit your request via e-mail to the Public Affairs Office. Please include your name, date of the event, time, location, contact person, phone number, email, event name, and description of the event.

When you are planning a conference, meeting, or other event in which Resource Center publications are needed, we ask that you e-mail the Resource Center no later than two months prior to the event. By doing so, you allow us time to print or order what you'll need and get it to you on time. Your event can then benefit from the fine publications you'll receive.

Date(s) Conference/
Event Name
January 2009
Governor's Prevention Advisory Council At the January 2009 quarterly meeting, the Council will discuss various ATOD prevention efforts, including its strategic planning process, its workgroups' activities, and an update on the implementation of the federal grant program (California Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral and Treatment Grant Program), which the Council oversees.

Location: Dept. of Alcohol and Drug Programs
1700 K Street, First Floor Conference Room
Sacramento, CA 95811
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Contact: Andrea Howard
Phone: (916) 323-1854
Serving Older Women With Substance Abuse Problems, Southern California Regional Conference. The American Society on Aging (ASA) is hosting a one day conference on the social, health and mental health issues of older women with substance use problems. The conference will be held on January 23, 2009 at the California Endowment Center in Los Angeles free of charge through a contract with ADP. Space is limited to 200 participants. Conference information including the complete program agenda and registration information is available here and at www.asaging.org/asav2/aod/owc.cfm. Continuing education units (CEUs) are available for substance abuse, mental health and health care professionals. Schedule (PDF) - Flyer (PDF)

Location: California Endowment, Center for Healthy Communities
1000 North Alameda Street
Los Angeles, CA
Time: 8:15 am – 4:00 pm
Website: www.asaging.org/asav2/aod/owc.cfm
Narcotic Treatment Programs Advisory Committee To provide input and recommendations on issues and regulations affecting Narcotic Treatment Programs. The committee is led by Joan Robbins of the Licensing and Certification Division.

Location: Dept. of Alcohol and Drug Programs
1700 K Street, First Floor Conference Room
Sacramento, CA 95811
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Contact: Joan Robbins
Phone: (916) 324-3084
Email: jrobbins@adp.ca.gov
February 2009
Director's Advisory Council The DAC is responsive to critical issues from judges, counties and the larger alcohol and drug field, identifies barriers to access for traditionally unserved/underserved populations, and provides feedback to the community. Stakeholders identify and discuss issues and build consensus in major policy areas that impact the alcohol and other drug service systems and clients.

Location: Dept. of Alcohol and Drug Programs
1700 K Street, First Floor Conference Room
Sacramento, CA 95811
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Contact: Patricia Rey
Phone: (916) 324-4722
Counselor Certification Advisory Committee Meeting This advisory committee meeting is designed to provide information and to foster discussion regarding issues and regulations associated with counselor certification.
Location: ADP First Floor Conference Room
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Contact: Joan Robbins
Phone: (916) 322-2911
25 - 26
Voices: A Program of Self-Discovery and Empowerment for Girls This training describes the world of girls, as well as providing an overview of the elements needed for creating gender-responsive services. The focus is on interactive exercises that demonstrate the strategies that counselors can use with girls and young women. The topics covered include developing a positive sense of self, building healthy relationships, substance abuse, physical and emotional wellness, sexuality and planning for a positive future. The issues of girls in the juvenile justice system are also addressed.
Location: Masonic Temple
2500 Masonic Temple Drive
San Jose, CA 95125
Time: TBA
Contact: Patricia Patterson
Phone: (916) 338-9460
Email: patricia@caarr.org
Website: www.caarr.org
March 2009
8 - 10
California Prevention Summit 2009: "Under One Tent: The Power of a Comprehensive Approach to Prevention" The Prevention Summit will provide an opportunity to bring together young people, community coalitions, educators, law enforcement, health professionals, community based organizations, county alcohol and drug administrators and community members to take action to strengthen the alcohol and other drug prevention field.

Location: NAPA County

Time: TBD
Contact: Shirin Vakharia
Phone: 707-259-8691
Email: SVAKHARIA@co.napa.ca.us
Website: California Prevention Summit 2009
11 – 14
The 3rd International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder FASD is a window through which to view the state of our world. While it has a profound impact on individuals, families and all aspects of society, it is also a stimulus for change. This international conference will provide a forum to discuss and examine current research, policy and practice that will assist parents, caregivers, service systems and governments as they strive to prevent FASD and to provide a range of supports for people living with it. The conference will enhance our knowledge and collaboration, sharing findings of researchers and frontline professionals with recognized expertise and from diverse cultures. Individuals living with FASD, their parents, families, professionals, communities and policy makers will be present and will speak throughout the conference.

For further information, or a downloadable flyer (PDF), please visit our website at www.interprofessional.ubc.ca or contact 604-822-7524 or via e-mail ipad@interchange.ubc.ca
Location: Victoria Conference Centre
720 Douglas Street
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Time: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Contact: Vinnie Yuen
Phone: 604-822-7524
Email: ipad@interchange.ubc.ca
Website: www.interprofessional.ubc.ca
Spring 2009

Prop. 36: 2008 Conference Proposition 36: 2008 Conference Building Bridges Between Criminal Justice & Treatment. This will be a working conference. Topics will include: Commitment to Rehabilitation; Cultural Responsiveness; Co-Occurring Disorders; Narcotic Replacement; Reporting Procedures; Like Size County Workshops; Criminal Justice Connection to Prop 36 Who should attend: Behavioral Health & Human Service Professionals, Lead Agency Representatives, Judges, Alcohol & Other Drug Treatment Providers, District Attorney’s, Prop 36 Probation Officers, Public Defenders, Parole Agents, and Local Law Enforcement Officials.
Location: Marriott Del Mar
San Diego, CA
Time: 8:00 a.m.
Contact: Marilee Moon-Vanni
Phone: 916-327-9532
Website: http://www.cce.csus.edu/conferences/adp/prop36/index.htm
April 2009
23rd Annual CAADE Conference The Politics of Addiction Treatment and Prevention

Location: Doubletree Hotel Sacramento
Contact: Lori Phelps
Phone: 805-641-1677
Email: caade@sbcglobal.net
Website: http://www.caade.org
Community Addiction Recovery Association (CARA)Conference Annual Conference "Brain Repair for Addictive Disorders: Successful, Cost Effective, Drug-Free Therapies"

Location: Hilton Arden West, Sacramento
Contact: Carolyn Reuben
Phone: 916-485-2272
Email: carolynreuben@aol.com
June 2009
25 - 27
23rd National Conference on Problem Gambling Prevention, treatment, responsible gaming, research, and recovery.

Location: Indianapolis, IN
Time: Various times between 7:30 am - 7:00 pm
Contact: National Council on Problem Gambling
Phone: 202-547-9204