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Criminal Justice

The Office of Criminal Justice Collaboration (OCJC) manages seven criminal justice-related programs, each of which requires collaboration between the criminal justice system and various state and local agencies.   [ Fact Sheet ]

SACPA / Offender Treatment Program (OTP)

The Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000 (SACPA) program provides drug treatment rather than incarceration for first- or second-time nonviolent adult drug offenders who use, possess, or transport illegal drugs for personal use. The Offender Treatment Program (OTP) was established in Fiscal Year (FY) 2006-07 to enhance SACPA outcomes and accountability.   [ Fact Sheet ]

Drug Courts

ADP has supported the development of drug courts in California since 1998, and in alliance with 53 drug courts located throughout the State, is committed to the concept that alcohol and drug services and treatment are preferable to incarceration of nonviolent drug offenders.   [ Fact Sheet ]

Parolee Services Network (PSN)

The Parolee Services Network provides community alcohol and drug treatment and recovery services to parolees either from the community parole systems or immediately upon release from prison custody. The program operates in 17 counties statewide and provides up to 180 days of alcohol or other drug treatment and recovery services.   [ Fact Sheet ]

Female Offender Treatment Program (FOTP)

The Female Offender Treatment Program (FOTP) provides residential and outpatient alcohol and drug treatment and recovery services to female parolees in four counties. FOTP programs provide up to six months (180 days) of alcohol and drug treatment services to each participant.   [ Fact Sheet ]

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Programs

The Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, through the Driving-Under-the-Influence (DUI) Program Branch within the Office of Criminal Justice Collaboration, licenses and performs compliance monitoring on all DUI programs in California. These programs are designed to reduce the number of repeat DUI offenses and provide participants an opportunity to address problems related to the use of alcohol and/or other drugs.   [ Fact Sheet ]