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California Outcomes Measurement Service for Prevention (CalOMS Pv)

CalOMS Pv is a fully web-based data collection service for primary prevention service/activity data funded with the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) block grant dollars via the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs.

CalOMS Pv Production "Live" Site

The CalOMS Pv production "live" site was launched for county and provider use on July 1, 2006. It replaced the previous data application for primary prevention services known as the Prevention Activities Data System (PADS).

A user ID, password and six digit provider ID number are required to log into the live site. New users needing access to CalOMS Pv should contact the CalOMS Pv user at their site with admin privileges. Please contact the CalOMS Pv Help Desk for additional assistance.

Click here to access the CalOMS Prevention production site

CalOMS Pv Test/Training "Demo" Site

The CalOMS Pv test/training "demo" site is a duplicate of the live site. It is a great training tool for new staff and provides users an opportunity to get comfortable with the web site prior to utilizing the live site for data entry. Upon logging into the demo site for the first time, users will be required to follow certain steps in order to navigate through the screens and begin practicing entering data. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the CalOMS Prevention User Manual and the Training Scenarios Workbook be referenced. They can be obtained by clicking on the “Manuals” tab on the CalOMS Prevention Support Site. The support site can be accessed by clicking on “Support Site” on the log-in page or clicking on the Support Module after logging in.

A fictitious user ID, password and provider number are required to log into the demo site. Please contact the CalOMS Pv Help Desk to obtain this information.

Click here to access the CalOMS Prevention test/training site

CalOMS Pv help desk

For technical and program support, please contact the help desk at the following:
1-916-552-8933 or 1-877-517-3329 (specify the call is for CalOMS Pv)

CalOMS Prevention Fact Sheet (PDF)