National Institute for Literacy

[Technology 1860] Re: newbie, school needs help in implementing tech plan

Holly Dilatush holly at
Fri Jan 16 12:13:30 EST 2009

Hello Linda, all,
...only time for a quick response today
but hope you realize you're not alone -- and that institutional support is
critical to success (I believe this to be a universal truth).

My suggestions -- start with where they are -- honor their trepidations,
hesitations, uncertainties, attitudes -- and grow from there --
try surveys seeking and welcoming anonymous feedback -- simple 10 question
or less surveys (google for samples -- computer / technology use surveys,

Celebrate your tech favorites -- start simple -- instead of professional
development "you will learn and use this in your classes" approaches, try a
weekly email with a link to something another teacher from another district
has done successfully with their students -- preferably with a link to that
teacher or another teacher's blog post about the experience.

Share a weekly or less frequent growing list of "favorite tool of the week"
with tutorials and an optional open invite to attend a look/see/talk about
it session [make these brief, 10 to 15 minutes -- like a CALL showcase event

Model what you love -- include a photo with each email, a link to a YouTube
(and the tutorials for how to use them with school firewalls)

Include links to your favorite blog sites, or other sites. One of my
alltime favorites is the awe-inspiring Larry Ferlazzo:

Include info in your emails... "Did you know that _______ is already
installed on the computers (in room___/on all computers/etc)? Want to know
more about how to use it? See what ________ did with it! [showcase work
done by anyone within your school/district -- of course with their
permission first]

gentle forays

include five minute showcases at the beginning or middle or end of any/every
full staff meeting

lots of patience

insist upon administrative support and extended realistic timelines.

Seek online support groups advice like this one.

Include free PD links for optional involvement (and if at all possible, find
a way to credit teachers with recertification points for their

There are a few of these available -- some free, some fee --



are two of my favorite learning groups, but a little research (or a request
for recommendations to a listserv) will yield more which may be more
relevant to your needs.

Maintain non-intrusive and appropriately-spaced (your judgement as to what
that means for folks you are working with) upbeat patient
information-proffered communication with all you are seeking to influence --
and celebrate all their small steps!

Build the enthusiasm -- try, try, try again --

I am passionate about this topic -- but short on time -- hope something here
helps and that others will chime in,

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 10:22 PM, Linda Neely <yourdime10 at>wrote:

> Hi,


> I came across your group and hope for enlightenment from you all!


> I am the secretary of my school's advisory council and I am always

> attempting to further my own education and in that pursuit I feel that I can

> pass it on up the line.


> My school has a school improvement plan which includes a technology plan.

> It is a middle school with approximately 1000 students. The tech plan calls

> for the teachers to acquire IT skills and software acumen to pass onto

> students. The problem is that the teachers don't have the skills. After

> being there for a year and a half it also appears they are not motivated to

> acquire any skills. So how can the student body which theoretically has

> access to over 500 computers within the school receive any tutelage in

> computer skills that the staff is unwilling to acquire to pass on?


> I have volunteered for IT duty and have been advised it needs to be a staff

> member as the district is nervous about a lay person making mistakes that

> the district would be responsible for. I feel this is a stalling procedure

> because they don't know themselves how to get technology to move forward

> thru the educational process when the teachers are resistant.


> Any ideas for assistance?


> Thanks for your time and all ideas appreciated!


> Linda


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Holly (Dilatush)
ESOL Coordinator/Facilitator/Instructor
ABA Virtual Learning Center
storyteller, poet, intentional dialoguer
Charlottesville, VA USA
holly at
(434) 960.7177 cell phone
(434) 295.9716 home phone
[OK to call 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. EST / GMT -5 time]

delight~ demonstrate~ disentangle~ [holly's mantra for 2009]

Plan to attend TESOL 2009!

My presentation: Exploring Intercultural Communication and Conflict
Resolution Through Drama; Reflecting Online:
3/28/2009 at 12:30 PM in room 603 at the Colorado Convention Center.
*Twitter ID = hollydilatush
Skype ID = smilin7
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