National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 993] Re: level movement

Tina_Luffman at Tina_Luffman at
Fri Oct 19 12:42:19 EDT 2007

Hi everyone,

I feel strongly that even though standardized testing does not necessarily
reflect the learning taking place in the classroom, especially with the
changes in our reporting this year, it is still better than going with a
more holistic but subjective method for deciding how our students are
learning. Unless a test can be created that is holistic as well as not
terribly time consuming for instructors to grade, I am glad we are
currently staying with our current form of testing.

It may be wise for the federal government to require one test being done
nationwide, and perhaps they have the resources and research available to
create one test, just as the GED exam is one test. Challenges to this test
will be able to be made in the future concerning whether this test does or
does not represent people from various sociopolitical and cultural
backgrounds, and more discussion will continue, but at least we could then
say that ABEII means the same thing in Boston as it means in St. Louis,
as it means in small town USA. I qualify my statement by saying I have
only been teaching GED for 3.5 years, so many of you may have better
input, but this is how I perceive the situation.

Thanks for listening.


Tina Luffman
Coordinator, Developmental Education
Verde Valley Campus
tina_luffman at

"David J. Rosen" <djrosen at>
Sent by: assessment-bounces at
10/19/2007 06:16 AM
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[Assessment 984] Re: level movement

Assessment Colleagues,

On Oct 18, 2007, at 7:00 PM, Venu Thelakkat asked:
I am told that standardized assessments, especially those used in adult
literacy, have many problems. But what is the alternative? Policy makers
and funders (private or public) want accountability for the money they
disperse and there is very little else that has been proposed. Even in
NRS, educational gain is the only measure that has some validity as a
program outcome. The other measures such as getting a job or entering
post secondary education are very unreliable given the wide variety of
methods used to collect and report the data.

Great question, Venu.

One alternative that makes sense has been proposed, but I am told that
Congress so far has been unwilling to accept it. Instead of reporting
outcomes for every student in every federally-funded program, OVAE should
each year pick a random sample of federally-funded programs and measure
attainment of student goals over a multi-year period, that is, measure
impact. Some would argue that measuring impact is not possible, that
adult education students are too hard to track over time, but the
Longitudinal Study of Adult Literacy, now in its eighth year in Portland,
Oregon, has shown that it is not impossible.

Isn't impact more useful to policy makers than outcomes? Does anyone in
Congress really care how many level gains students make? Some policy
makers may care about how many program participants -- especially over
time -- have improved their employment status, can read to their children,
can use a computer, now have a diploma or GED, and have succeeded in
their education beyond secondary level. Of these goals, only the GED and
high school diploma (for now at least) require a standardized test.

David J. Rosen
djrosen at
National Institute for Literacy
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