National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 957] Last day for GED discussion!

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Fri Oct 12 09:50:37 EDT 2007

Good morning colleagues,

This has been a great discussion this week! Great questions have been
raised here and great ideas have been shared. I will prepare this
discussion in UFF (User Friendly Format!) once is has completed and post
it for your convenience and use.

Today is our last day of the discussion with guests! Please share your
thoughts, experiences, and ideas now.

I would particularly like to hear people respond to David's set of
questions focused on formative and summative assessment. While I'm
anxious to hear about both, I'm really interested in what subscribers
have to say about David's questions regarding the summative piece: how
can we determine the effect/impact of earning a GED in more creative
ways than what we do now, which is mostly done through examining the
scores. We could track some of the data that David suggests - does
anyone do it? Would you now consider it? Do you feel that tracking
other pieces of the puzzle would be beneficial to you, your program and
students? In what ways?

Thanks and looking forward to reading more from you today!

Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

Marie Cora
<mailto:marie.cora at> marie.cora at
NIFL Assessment Discussion List Moderator

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