National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 931] PD Needs Assessment

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Fri Sep 28 11:05:30 EDT 2007

Dear Colleagues:

The following survey on professional development from the National
Institute for Literacy is still on-line for you to fill out! If you
haven't taken the opportunity to let NIFL know your thoughts, please
consider doing so. This information will be used to shape the PD
opportunities developed and offered by the LINCS Regional Resource
Centers. Please read on!

Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator


Re: Professional Development Needs Assessment

Adult education teachers and administrators: Have you taken the time to
complete the National Institute for Literacy's online professional
development survey? If not, there is still time to express your opinion
and share your thoughts to help influence decisions that are being made
nationally on professional development.

The National Institute for Literacy is conducting a survey on the
professional development needs of adult education practitioners across
the country. We need your help to gather information that reflects your
own needs in the area of professional development as well as how you
think professional development should be offered. We are asking for
only 10-15 minutes of your time. Follow this link to take the survey at The online survey is available
until November 9, 2007.

Information collected from the professional development needs survey
will be used by the Institute and the LINCS Regional Resource Centers to
1) give us insights on how Institute-produced materials and training can
be disseminated and 2) identify areas where the Institute might want to
develop additional materials and trainings. The Regional Resource
Centers will use the data to develop a regional dissemination plan that
will include how to best disseminate and present Institute-sponsored
resources and training in partnership with the state organizations.

The National Institute for Literacy, a federal agency, provides
leadership on literacy issues, including the improvement of reading
instruction for children, youth, and adults. In consultation with the
U.S. Departments of Education, Labor, and Health and Human Services, the
Institute serves as a national resource on current, comprehensive
literacy research, practice, and policy.

The National Institute for Literacy is committed to the dissemination of
high-quality resources to help practitioners use evidence-based
instructional practices that improve outcomes in adult learners'
literacy skills. LINCS is the backbone of the Institute's dissemination
system, providing information on a wide variety of literacy relevant
topics, issues, and resources through regional resource centers,
collections of resources, and discussion lists. For more information
about the National Institute for Literacy and LINCS visit <> <>

Marie Cora
<mailto:marie.cora at> marie.cora at
NIFL Assessment Discussion List Moderator

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