National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 867] Discussion thanks

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Mon Jul 16 09:41:26 EDT 2007

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to thank our guests, Shannon Young and Jennifer Rafferty,
for taking the time to share their experiences with us in last week's
discussion on assessment in distance learning. I encourage subscribers
to check out the resources that were shared, and if you do, let us know
what you think. Thanks also to those subscribers who posted their
questions and thoughts on this topic.

For now, if you have just subscribed to the List, you can read the
discussion at the archives. Go to: and click on Read
Current Posted Messages dated from last week. I will also prepare the
discussion in user-friendly format and post it at the archives; I'll
send email when it's ready - probably in about a week.

If people still have thoughts on this topic, please feel free to carry
on with the discussion.


Marie Cora

Marie Cora
<mailto:marie.cora at> marie.cora at
NIFL Assessment Discussion List Moderator
Coordinator, LINCS Assessment Special Collection

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