National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 859] Re: Final Day for DL Assessment discussion!

Shannon Young shannony at
Fri Jul 13 13:40:22 EDT 2007

Hi Marie,

You've raised good questions many programs have to address. Most Project
IDEAL states have policies requiring their students to be post-tested in a
proctored f2f setting, regardless of whether they're pure distance students.
I think this usually applies only to standardized testing, though I know
states like North Carolina require students to come in for progress testing
after each unit of study. NC's ESOL distance students receive "seat time"
credit only after demonstrating mastery of the materials. I know Missouri
at one point experimented with offering the TABE online, but I believe
students were still required to complete the test in a proctored setting.
Other curriculum-specific quizzes and tests are usually completed without a
f2f component.

Some programs and states (particularly ones that have large, rural
populations) have set up partnerships with local libraries, schools, and
other social service agencies to handle post-testing. That way, while
students may have to drive some distance to participate in orientation, they
can then go to a place that's closer to home to post-test.

Last year, we surveyed Project IDEAL teachers to find out how they got
students to return for post testing. One frequent answer: throw a party.
When students knew they'd be seeing and socializing with other students from
orientation (as Tina mentioned), they were more likely to come back in for

Does any state have a policy allowing post-testing to be conducted online
and without a proctor? If so, how do you ensure validity?


Shannon J. Young
Program Manager, Project IDEAL / AdultEd Online
Senior Research Area Specialist, Program on Teaching, Learning, & Technology
Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan

5116 ISR, 426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1248
Ph: (734) 763-5325
Fax: (734) 615-6638
Email: shannony at

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