National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 827] Re: On-line tracking system?

Mary V Gleason gleasonm at
Mon Jun 25 09:58:51 EDT 2007

Hi - we just talked with e-tapestry. Their online donor database program
sounds good, is expensive for us ($4-5000) but has some good ideas. I
know there are others. I have heard from some folks that LACES is


> Hello. New Mexico has adopted the LACES program, a product of

> LiteracyPro, for all ABE programs in the state. LACES is an on-line

> system. At this time we have not done input from off-site locations but

> it is possible to do. Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe has used the

> LiteracyPro database (not web-based), put out by the same company, for

> several years. LiteracyPro (the database) has extra components for

> entering tutor and donor information. We are waiting for the

> LiteracyPro database to become web-based and more compatible with LACES

> so that we can combine the data. You should be able to find

> on the web. Hope this helps.


> Barbara Arguedas


> ABE Director


> Santa Fe Community College


> Santa Fe, NM




> -----Original Message-----

> From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at]

> On Behalf Of Robin Wright Parker

> Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 9:31 AM

> To: assessment at

> Subject: [Assessment 824] On-line tracking system?




> We currently have info in different forms (hard and soft data) and in

> different locations (excel, written, etc). We are seeking to move to an

> on-line platform so that tutors, learners, and administrators can enter

> certain information (demographic and/or assessment) on-line and the info

> will be stored in one comprehensive program so that we can then make

> better use of our data. Is anyone already using an online platform; and

> if so, did you develop it in-house or hire someone to develop it for

> you? We are looking for any model information we can find, but our

> searches haven't been very fruitful. Any insights, suggestions, or

> words of wisdom will be greatly appreciated.




> Warm regards,








> Robin Parker


> *******************************


> Robin R. Wright Parker

> Families For Literacy Coordinator

> Escondido Public Library


> Phone: 760-839-4272

> rwrightparker at

> <mailto:rwrightparker at>


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Mary V. Gleason
Executive Director, CC Literacy Council
4044 Greenwood Dr., CC, TX 78416
(361) 857-5896 Fax: 854-5898

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