National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 825] Re: On-line tracking system?

Barbara Arguedas barguedas at
Thu Jun 21 11:58:23 EDT 2007

Hello. New Mexico has adopted the LACES program, a product of
LiteracyPro, for all ABE programs in the state. LACES is an on-line
system. At this time we have not done input from off-site locations but
it is possible to do. Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe has used the
LiteracyPro database (not web-based), put out by the same company, for
several years. LiteracyPro (the database) has extra components for
entering tutor and donor information. We are waiting for the
LiteracyPro database to become web-based and more compatible with LACES
so that we can combine the data. You should be able to find on the web. Hope this helps.

Barbara Arguedas

ABE Director

Santa Fe Community College

Santa Fe, NM

-----Original Message-----
From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Robin Wright Parker
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 9:31 AM
To: assessment at
Subject: [Assessment 824] On-line tracking system?

We currently have info in different forms (hard and soft data) and in
different locations (excel, written, etc). We are seeking to move to an
on-line platform so that tutors, learners, and administrators can enter
certain information (demographic and/or assessment) on-line and the info
will be stored in one comprehensive program so that we can then make
better use of our data. Is anyone already using an online platform; and
if so, did you develop it in-house or hire someone to develop it for
you? We are looking for any model information we can find, but our
searches haven't been very fruitful. Any insights, suggestions, or
words of wisdom will be greatly appreciated.

Warm regards,

Robin Parker


Robin R. Wright Parker
Families For Literacy Coordinator
Escondido Public Library

Phone: 760-839-4272
rwrightparker at
<mailto:rwrightparker at>

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