National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 823] Re: ALE WIki -- Wikiteers and Topic Leaders needed!

David J. Rosen djrosen at
Tue Jun 19 19:15:15 EDT 2007


Have you used the Adult Literacy Education Wiki?

Have you contributed to the ALE Wiki? Would you like to be more
involved with this (nearly 900 registered member) online adult
literacy education community of practice? There are several areas
that need topic leaders. Perhaps one of these would interest you:

• Workforce, Workplace and Worker Education
• Basic Literacy
• Reading
• Curriculum Development
• GED Research
• Learning Disabilities
• Program Design
• Project Based Learning
• Return on Investment
• Young Adult Literacy

This is a volunteer effort, and it's best if you choose an area that
you are already working on/want to learn more about. If you are
interested in being a topic leader for one of the above areas, please
e-mail me.

David Rosen
djrosen1 at

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