National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 813] Re: ESL Assessment

Dan Wann dlwann at
Thu May 24 18:04:37 EDT 2007

My responses to your questions are below. Dan Wann


From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Melinda Hefner
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 2:54 PM
To: The Assessment Discussion List
Subject: [Assessment 812] ESL Assessment

I'm sure this topic has been discussed many, many times before, but I wanted
to ask some questions nevertheless since there may be new members or new
information. I want to get a better feel for what is being done nationally
rather than in my own region.

1. What is the best assessment tool for ESL adult learners? Many factors
to consider both Best and CASAS have been developed for use with Adult
English Language Learners many of whom have limited educational backgrounds.
Both of these tools have strengths and weaknesses based on a program's needs
and philosophy. The most important assessment tool is a policy that
stresses multiple measures of student progress over time with one of these
two tools as the standardized arrow in your quiver.

2. What is the most widely used assessment tool for them? I do not know
but both are used extensively in the United States and I know that CASAS is
also used outside of the US.

3. How much movement from one level to another do your programs see among
these learners? Indiana is a TABE and CASAS state with CASAS required for
all ESL students. Indiana level gains in ESL average 50% for the 6 NRS

While I will appreciate detailed responses, I really just need some general

Thanks in advance!!

Melinda M. Hefner
Director, Literacy Support Services

Basic Skills Department
Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute
2855 Hickory Blvd.
Hudson, North Carolina 28638
Office: (828) 726-2245
FAX: (828) 726-2266

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