National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 807] Online and Blended Models of PD

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Fri May 11 10:06:53 EDT 2007


The following discussion is taking place on the Adult Literacy
Professional Development Discussion List - my apologies for not alerting
you earlier about the first part of this discussion. Please read below
for a description of each part.

To subscribe to this discussion and to view the archives so you can
catch up on posts from this week, go to:

Also, Jackie, Taylor, the Moderator of that List, has built a section on
the Wiki where resources, additional information, and the discussion
threads are being posted. Go to:
opment - information on this discussion can be found in the upper right
hand corner: see "Going the Distance".

Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

Discussion Topic: Going the Distance: Online and Blended Models of
Sustained Professional Development
Where held: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List
Part I: Discussion Primer - May 7-13, 2007
Part II: Discussion with Guests - May 14 - 21, 2007

To participate, subscribe:
Guest Participants (Biographies):
Moderator: Jackie Taylor, jataylor at

Preparation for Discussion:

This is a two-part discussion. _Part I_ is a "discussion primer" and
begins before the guest discussion. _Part II_ is the online discussion
with Guest Participants, including _both_ asynchronous discussion and
"real-time" opportunities.

General Overview

Join the Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List to
explore development, design, and facilitation considerations and
implications with online and blended models of professional development.
Subscribers will have the opportunity to view a Pod cast of the
face-to-face panel discussion at the AALPD PreConference at COABE,
interact with panelists and additional guests online, and plan next

Part I: Discussion Primer - What's Available in Online Professional
When: May 7-13, 2007

Join the list to share your state or organization's initiatives in
providing online professional development, or to learn what is available
to you in online professional development, any costs involved, whether
credits (CEUs) are available, and more.

Part II: Guest Discussion - "Going the Distance: Online and Blended
Models of Sustained Professional Development"

When: May 14 - 21, 2007

Join the list to participate in a guest discussion of online and
blended professional development and professional

Topics include (but are not limited to):

Teachers and Administrators:

** Sharing qualities that attract practitioners to online and blended
professional development and offering recommendations for
** Browsing online courses/tools from various providers and interacting
with online course facilitators;
** Discussing considerations in selecting online professional
development and supporting participation;

Designers and Developers:

** Sharing strategies and considerations for online and blended
professional development and professional development-at-a-distance;
** Examining ways to blend technology tools and other design
implications to enhance professional development;
** Exploring strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of online and
blended models;

Online Facilitators (DE Teachers, Professional Developers, List

** Considering what skills and qualities make a good online
** Sharing practical techniques, including facilitating interactivity
and improving teacher retention;


** Discussing quality considerations specific to the online environment;
** Developing action agendas as individuals, teams, or as a field to
advance online and blended professional development opportunities.

This discussion will build and expand upon issues explored in the recent
AALPD PreConference at COABE, "Exploring the Potential for Online
Professional Development."



Marie Cora ~ Adult Education Consultant

Barbara (Bee) Dieu ~ Educator and life long learner. Member Tesol EVO
and Braz-Tesol EduTech SIG Coordinator

Kristine Marane Góngora ~ Instructional Designer, ProLiteracy Worldwide

Dr. Dafne González ~ Full Professor, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas,
Venezuela; TESOL EVO

Crystal Hack ~ GED-i Coordinator, Center for the Application of
Information Technologies (CAIT), Western Illinois University

Dr. Elizabeth Hanson-Smith ~ Professor Emeritus at CSU, Sacramento;

Debra L. Hargrove, Ed.D. ~ Coordinator Florida TechNet

Noreen S. Lopez ~ Adult Education Consultant

Susan Ohlsen ~ Project Manager, ProLiteracy America, Verizon Literacy

Dr. Leslie Petty ~ Associate Director, Project IDEAL, University of

Tim Ponder ~ Ohio Literacy Resource Center (OLRC)

Sharon Reynolds ~ Coordinator, Central/Southeast ABLE Resource Center,
Ohio University, Athens, Ohio

Lynda Terrill ~ Technical Assistance and Web Coordinator, Center for
Adult English Language Acquisition, Center for Applied Linguistics,
Washington, DC

Marian Thacher ~ Director, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network

More information about the Assessment mailing list