National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 796] FW: Free Workshop on Adult Literacy

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Wed Apr 25 13:53:03 EDT 2007


Are you overwhelmed by the vast amount of information about adult
literacy education available in thousands of reports in dozens of online
internet web sites, portals and wikis, shelves of new books from many
publishers, numerous government projects, and a plethora of fat, heavy
duty research reports? As an administrator, teacher, tutor, or
researcher in adult literacy do you find that you do not have the time
to wade through this sea of information to find what is relevant to your
teaching and other program needs?


If you find yourself drowning in this ocean of information, this one
day, six hour workshop is for you! In it you will learn about critically
important developments in adult literacy education going on in
Australia, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, New Zealand, and the United

Using humor, extensive illustrations, and simplified statistical
information, this workshop discusses projects and research in five areas
of activity that can be identified in these industrialized nations,
including activities to

1.Determine how many adults need and want basic skills education, i.e.,
determining the scale of need for adult literacy education.

2. Determine the extent of and activities to increase the participation
of adults in language, literacy, and numeracy (LLN) education.

3. Understand the system of provision, i.e., finding out what is going
on in a diversity of programs.

4. Improve the quality of provision, i.e., helping programs get better
at what they do.

5. Improve the accountability of provision, including how to show the
returns to investments in adult basic skills education.

This workshop presentation is FREE, sponsors pay only travel costs. The
workshop will be available from July 1, 2007. To arrange for the
workshop to be presented in your area contact Tom Sticht,
tsticht at

About Tom Sticht:
Tom Sticht is recognized internationally for his work on the education
and training of under-educated youth and adults. He holds a Ph.D in
psychology from the University of Arizona and has taught at numerous
universities, including the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the
University of British Columbia, and the U. S. Naval Postgraduate School.
He has published over 170 books and articles on the education of
under-educated youth and adults. Dr. Sticht has served on the Secretary
of Labor's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS); the
National Commission on Working Women; and he chaired the California
Workforce Literacy Task Force. Earlier he was Associate Director of the
U. S. National Institute of Education, President, Applied Behavioral &
Cognitive Sciences, Inc. and Project Coordinator for the San Diego
Consortium for Workforce Education & Lifelong Learning. Articles on Dr.
Sticht's work have appeared in newspapers and magazines in several
countries including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Boston
Globe, the London Times, the New Zealand Herald, USA Today, and the Wall
Street Journal. In 1994, Dr. Sticht was the first adult literacy
specialist elected to the Reading Hall of Fame in the United States and
in 2003 he was awarded UNESCO's Mahatma Gandhi medal.

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