National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 747] Staff Development for Using Data for Program Improvement

Cornellier, Donna dcornellier at
Wed Apr 18 14:45:13 EDT 2007


In Massachusetts we have developed and implemented a plan for ongoing staff
development on using data to promote continuous improvement. Our state-wide
professional development system, (SABES) has developed a program planning
process that incorporates NRS and other data to promote continuous
improvement. They utilized the following approaches to providing support for
program planning: (1) a comprehensive 12-hour course, offered in all five
regions of the state, on planning for program improvement, including a
module on types and sources of data, data quality, and data analysis. The
course culminates with presentations by participants on their program
planning activities. (2) On-site coaching to selected programs in need of a
tailored approach (3) A separate data module from the planning course
presented twice as a separate workshop (4) Program and staff development
sharing groups to provide forums for directors and practitioners to share
experiences. Follow-up for all participants who attended this training is
provided. Programs are now required to submit program improvement plans
that are tied to their performance in attendance, average attended hours,
pre- and post- testing, learning gains and eventually, the achievement of
student goals. SABES provides ongoing support to programs in developing
their continuous improvement plans. We have found that offering more
intensive courses for several staff members at local programs has been very
helpful for our local programs.

Donna Cornellier
SMARTT ABE Project Manager
Adult and Community Learning Services
Massachusetts Department of Education
350 Main Street
Malden, MA 02148
781 338-3814

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