National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 732] Re: Using Data for Program Improvement

EllaBogard at EllaBogard at
Tue Apr 17 16:46:31 EDT 2007

Dear Collegues:

Here at Franklinton Learning Center, we use data everyday in our program to
help us track and improve the end results coming out of our program. We use
enrollment data to check the reach of our program, average hours attended data to
check the depth of engagement of students, and numbers of students throught
he door versus number completeing enrollment to help us improve retention in
the crucial orientation period of classes.

We have a program called ABLELink here in Ohio that has made it very easy to
track some areas. It has also allowedus to compare statistics from one year to
another so we know how we are doing in comparison to previous years. By
tracking information collected on attendance, educational gain, hours of engagement
and accomplishments, we have been able to improve all of these efforts.

Tracking and constantly checking this data is what has made it possible to
improve. We can easily pull up reports on testing, who has tested, progress
made, who hasn't tested, attendance, etc. We can organize that information by
class, by teacher, by program, or by site, which allows us to compare
effectiveness of programs and staff and assign responsibility for improvement where

I would like to be able to track consistency of attendance over time not just
total hours attended. I think this might give a better picture of the
progress to be expected than the total time attended does. I would also like to
understand more about how I can use all of the ABLELink data collected to improve
my programs overall effectiveness.

Respectfully submitted by,
Ella Bogard

Ella Bogard, Executive Director
Franklinton Learning Center
1003 West Town Street
Columbus, Ohio 43222-1438

Phone: (614) 221-9151
Fax: (614) 221-9131

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