National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 684] Accountability training opportunity - March 16 application deadli ne

mdaniels mdaniels at
Wed Mar 14 13:43:50 EDT 2007

Dear Colleague,

If you are planning to submit an application to participate in Data
Collection and Management, the first of three trainings being produced
through the Dollar General / ProLiteracy Performance Accountability
Initiative, please remember that the application deadline is this Friday,
March 16.

The training will be presented in six cities this spring:
-- Santa Ana, CA - April 16-17
-- St. Paul, MN - April 23-24
-- Knoxville, TN - April 30-May 1
-- Houston, TX - May 3-4
-- Hartford, CT - May 7-8
-- Portland, OR - May 10-11

The nine-hour training on Data Collection and Management will help programs
identify their accountability system gaps while it shares promising
practices related to:
-- assessment
-- data collection
-- data storage and retrieval
-- building a culture of accountability and improvement within the program

Much of the content of the training is drawn from exemplary literacy and
adult education programs across the country.

Programs that participate in the training will be asked to implement one or
more of the promising practices over the nine months following the training.
Participating programs will share their challenges, experiences, and
successful strategies as part of the print pieces that ProLiteracy will
distribute nationally at the end of the project. Stipends of $750 and $1500
are available to support two levels of program participation in the project;
there is no fee for the training.

If you are interested in attending Data Collection and Management, please
request the application guidelines and form via e-mail to
mdaniels at

To be considered for participation, your program must submit its completed
application via e-mail (snail mail or faxes CANNOT be accepted) by March 16,
2007, to the e-mail address given above. Up to 120 programs will be selected
and invited to send two people from each program to the training.

For more information about Data Collection and Management or about the
initiative in general, please contact me at the e-mail address given above.

If you know of other programs that may be interested in this training
opportunity, please share this message with them.

Thank you,

Melanie Daniels, Project Manager
Dollar General/ProLiteracy Performance Accountability Initiative
ProLiteracy Worldwide
mdaniels at

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