National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 651] Seeking article submissions

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Thu Feb 8 12:03:43 EST 2007


Please see the following opportunity to contribute to the 2007 issue of
the International Journal of Literacy and Numeracy Studies. I encourage
all subscribers on the List to consider this, as the focus of the
publication speaks directly to the issues that we discuss here in this
forum. The editors are very much interested in seeking practitioners to
contribute papers.

Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

Special Issue Announcement

The editors of International Journal of Literacy and Numeracy Studies
are pleased to announce that Dr. Alisa Belzer of Rutgers University and
Dr. Ralf St. Clair of University of Glasgow will edit a special issue of
LNS to be published in 2007. This issue will focus on how national
accountability systems are influencing practice at the program and
classroom levels. The guest editors are seeking submissions of papers
that explore the choices and compromises and the costs and benefits of
increased demands for standardized accountability and reporting
procedures. They are also interested in papers that document how
teachers and learners are developing and maintaining "responsive"
practices in this time when increasingly narrow accountability and
curricular systems seem to be reducing the options open to educators and
learners. They would like especially to urge practitioners to
contribute, either as solo authors or in collaboration with university
researchers or policy makers.

Please submit papers to Dr. Belzer or Dr. St. Clair by June 30, 2007 at
the latest. If you would like to contact our guest editors directly,
email them at belzera at and/or rstclair at

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