National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 645] Re: Save the dates for COABE 2008

John Benseman john.benseman at
Wed Feb 7 14:12:05 EST 2007

Margaret - Your URL doesn't work


John Benseman PhD

Director of Research & Evaluation, Upskilling NZ
(based at Department of Labour)
DDI 04 915 4633 - Cell: 021 0489 143

* john.benseman at
( 0064 9 627 4415
7 0064 9 627 4418

-----Original Message-----
From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Margaret Patterson
Sent: Wednesday, 7 February 2007 6:47 a.m.
To: Margaret Patterson
Subject: [Assessment 644] Save the dates for COABE 2008

Greetings to all adult education colleagues from your COABE 2008 planning
committee! As you plan for professional development in the coming months, we
invite you to save the dates for our upcoming conference, co-sponsored with
Missouri Association for Adult Continuing and Community Education - Show Me
Success: Empowerment through Diversity - in St Louis, Missouri, April 28 to
May 1, 2008. You and your co-workers won't want to miss this rare
opportunity to attend a national adult education conference held in your
local region. We invite you to join the planning of the conference -
volunteers are most welcome! Please contact Lorene James, Conference
Co-Chair, at ljames at, or 816-418-8205, or MaryAnn Kramer,
Conference Co-Chair, at MaryAnn.Kramer at, or 314-367-5000. Check our
conference website,,
<,> for more information. We look forward to
meeting you in St. Louis in 2008!

Margaret Patterson, Ph.D.
Assistant Project Coordinator/Research Associate
Improving Adult Literacy Instruction
University of Kansas
Center for Research on Learning
Division of Adult Studies
Joseph R. Pearson Hall
1122 West Campus Dr., Room 708A
Lawrence, KS 66045-3101
Phone 785.864.7089
Fax 785.864.5728

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