National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 627] Stages portfolio system to assess and recognize progress in literacy skills

Marg Rose bcmrose at
Thu Feb 1 20:50:55 EST 2007

Several provinces in Canada recognize adult learning in a functionally-based
portfolio system. Manitoba uses the Stages of Learning and Literacy for
levels 1, 2, or 3 (closely correlated to IALS levels) to evaluate learner
progress. You can peruse the tasks in reading, writing, numeracy, and
technology at each level, and the facilitator's guide at: Adult
learners can also obtain dual credits at the Stage 3 level towards a Mature
High School diploma, linked also to community college entrance

Ontario uses an articulated system and demonstrations of progress as well.
Go to for a list of contacts in each province to investigate.
Some full-text documents are on-line there, including the Manitoba basic
primer "Creative Student assessment".

To talk more about the idea of dual credits, you may wish to talk to Sylvia
Provenski, a graduate student investigating this area:
SylviaP at She also directs an adult learning centre in the

Marg Rose, Victoria, BC
Former Executive DIrector of the provincial literacy coalition
Graduate student in M. Ad. Ed.

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