National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 609] Re: Systematic formative ways to record what studentslearn and share this information

Susan Reid sreid at
Sun Jan 28 03:43:50 EST 2007

Hi David

we have a new custom designed database that teachers use to input all sorts of data

each teacher has a laptop - while they are out on site in workplaces they use it to access teaching material etc - they have cards from one of our local Telco providers so they can access the internet and their emails. When they are in the office ( usually only one day a week) they use a wireless network.

The database includes the learner's Individual Learning Plan ( and goals) and the records for each session - what was planned, what was delivered, comments from the learners and the teacher. It also includes data about programme goals, curriculum, key milestones, learner details as well as diagnostic assessment data and formative and summative assessment data as it is collected

Each 8 weeks the learner's ILP is flagged and the teacher reviews it with the learner. If they want to review it earlier they just change the dates in the data base

Each learner has a paper copy of the ILP in any event

Most of the teachers input data during the session - usually at the end but if they have a spare minute while they are working with a learner they will input it then - otherwise they do it at the end of the day or on the odd occasion on the day they are in the office

( almost all of our teachers work 1:1 because workplaces can only release learners one at a time so it doesn't adversely impact on production )

Almost all of the information we share with learners is done face to face but on some occasions teachers will email learners at work or home.

The quality of data varies from teacher to teacher but it is steadily improving as the teachers themselves are coached through the system.

Hope this is the information you wanted

Kind regards Susan Reid

Susan Reid, and others who use formative assessment,

I am interested in learning more about teachers' systems for keeping
track of what students are learning and sharing this information with
them. What paper-and-pencil strategies do you use? What computer-
managed or computer-aided strategies? Do you record information
during the class, after the class, keep it all in your head? Does
anyone share formative assessment information with students by
regular one-on-one conferencing, by e-mailing them, in other ways?

David J. Rosen
djrosen at

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